Arousing Love, a teen novel
    “And there’s nothing wrong with our bodies.
Adam and Eve were naked, so God must have liked it that way to
begin with.” I looked again at her graceful form. “Besides, your
body is the finest example of God’s handiwork I’ve ever seen. It
has to be the best evidence that there is a God.” I smiled, feeling
pleased with myself.
    “You’re funny. But you’re right—this is about
beauty, not something sinful. I want to please you with the beauty
God has given me.”
    Her words sent a warm, tingly sensation
flowing through me.
    “Thanks.” I said, my voice rough with
    She smiled, like she was just realizing how
much this meant to me.
    “Do you think this is stupid, though, putting
ourselves in the way of temptation?”
    “It’s okay, as long as we don’t fall into
temptation, right? Being on the edge of temptation is the most
exciting place to be. Are you feeling guilty about it?”
    “No, that’s the weird thing though, I don’t
feel guilty about any of this. It’s like part of me
feels . . . . ”
    “Nothing, don’t worry.”
    “What were you going to say?”
    “I don’t know. Part of me feels like we
already belong together, like we’re meant to be.”
    I blinked, and my mother’s warnings came to
mind. “Joanna, you know I really like you, but you’re going back to
Colorado soon, and we might never see each other again.”
    “You never know, though, Zach. Love can make
a way if it’s meant to be.”
    “Love breaks more hearts than it makes a way
    She didn’t say anything. I kept painting and
didn’t say anything either.
    “I should go.”
    She got up and started gathering her
    “No wait, don’t go. I’m sorry. I just get a
little nervous with all this talk of love. We’ve only known each
other a few days. You’re right, we don’t know what the future holds
for us. I don’t even know how I really feel about you. I have all
these mixed up emotions. All I know is I don’t wanna hurt you. I
don’t care about me, I can handle it, but you’re young. I’m scared
of breaking your heart.”
    She finished putting her clothes on, but she
didn’t leave. Instead, she came over and stood beside me to look at
the painting.
    “Wow that’s really good. Who are you going to
show this to?”
    “Just you.”
    “No one else is going to see it?”
    I shook my head.
    She looked up at me and smiled sheepishly.
“I’m sorry, Zach. I know I’m being stupid about
    I pulled her to me and we hugged. She rested
her head on my chest and looked again at the painting. “You made me
look too perfect.”
    “What do you mean?”
    “My hips are wider than that, and you didn’t
paint any of my blemishes. It just looks too perfect.”
    “What blemishes?” I leaned back to look at
her. “I don’t even see any.” It’s amazing, even the prettiest
girl can find something wrong with the way she looks.
    “You don’t see them?”
    “No? You must cover them up with makeup or
    “I don’t wear makeup. I don’t like being
    I had to laugh. She had such a natural beauty
she didn’t even need makeup. “I painted you the way I see you, and
if that’s too perfect, it’s ‘cause that’s what you look like to
    She smiled up at me, and I kissed her smile.
When our lips parted she said softly, “I love you.”
    My stirred emotions arose to her words, and I
whispered, “I love you too.” The words were so powerful, I
instantly regretted saying them. I knew what it would do to her
young heart, but it was too late to take back now.
    “I better go, it’s getting late.” She
released herself from my arms. “I’ll see you tomorrow?” She looked
up at me with such softness in her eyes.
    “I’ll come by at five.” She opened the door,
and it was dark outside.
    “I better walk you home.”
    “Okay.” She smiled.
    We walked in comfortable silence. It was a
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