Rigid under my hand, I squeezed him gently. He let out a slow breath, and I ran a hand through the silver-yellow hair that felt like cornsilk beneath my fingers. “I can’t. I need to wait, but I….”
The rug was smooth underneath my back, velvet against my skin. “You want me. I want you. Why do you need to wait?”
I raised my arms out to him, and he laid his body on mine, his warm skin slick with the sweat of his ill-restrained desire. I wound my arms around his neck, wanting him closer than was humanly possible.
“Do it.”
He thrust into me, and I cried out at the force of it. Vaguely, I heard him catch a breath, but by then, I was far gone. There was nothing but the constant push, pull of his strokes, in…out…and I ground against him, close, getting so close, and the only thing I heard was the pulse pounding in my head.
“Evelyn…,” he murmured and braced himself up on his palms. “Too fast, too soon, not yet….”
He threw his head back, the muscles rigid in the strong columome tomorrow m
The warm prickle of sunlight slanted across my skin, and I smiled.
“Great dream. Wonderful dream. Dreamt I met up with a male nymph and had the best sex in my life,” I said to myself, reluctant to open my eyes. Who would? I wished to prolong this feeling for as long as I possibly could. “Wish there was a man like that in real life. A nymph. A dryad.”
“And he tasted like—”
An arm wrapped around my waist and pulled me toward a warm body I recognized even just by the scent.
Not a dream, then. Reality.
“He tasted like?” I heard the barely restrained laughter in his voice, and when I finally opened my eyes, it was to meet his emerald gaze, just as sharp and startling as the night before. “What did he taste like?”
Feeling a bit like I was back in grade school in the throes of my first love, I tucked a lock of hair behind his ear and let my hand rest on the curve of his face.
“Hmmm, he tasted like everything good in this world. Something clean, fresh, earthy.” I kissed him and found there were advantages to him being what he was, the most distinct of those being he didn’t have such thing as morning breath. Crisp like spearmint, but not as cloyingly sweet as peppermint.
The floor hard under my hip, I noticed that somehow during the night we’d rolled off the rug to end up on the floor, him almost underneath the beige coffee table. My body ached, and as I shifted so my hipbone wouldn’t grate on the wooden floor, I winced.
Arjun saw it and sat up, eyebrows furrowed in concern. “Are you well? I did not hurt you….” His eyes drifted down to my legs, and I followed his gaze. A bruise marred my upper thigh. “Too much, did I?”
“Don’t talk stupid,” I said and then, suddenly aware of just how naked I was, especially in such unflattering light like the weak sunlight, I tugged at the rug and pulled it up to my chin. It seemed dumb to worry about being naked after I’d had sex with him, but I couldn’t stand being nude unless I absolutely had to.
Meanwhile, he looked completely at home, but then again, he didn’t have anything to worry about. If men looked like that all the time, we women wouldn’t have had a chance in hell in resisting them.
“I thought you were a dream. Either that, or you’d already left.”
He tilted his head to one side. “Really? And why is that?”
Now was the moment of truth. And to be honest, qenes fingersit didn’t feel as hard as I thought it would be to spit it
Mary Nichols
Eileen Wilks
William W. Johnstone
Catherine Fisher
Mickey Huff
Raymond Carver
Hugh MacDonald
The Captive
Ashlyn Macnamara
Julia Crane