Arielle Immortal Passion

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Book: Arielle Immortal Passion Read Online Free PDF
Author: Lilian Roberts
thought. The sensation of her touch made him feel alive. His gaze lingered on her face for a long moment, and then he turned and vaulted onto his horse. Leaning forward, he ran his hand over the magnificent creature’s mane. Then, turned to look at Arielle once again. “Are you ready, baby?” he asked. Arielle nodded and opened her mouth to say something, but she closed it again when Ian’s voice called out.
    “That woman is gone!” Arielle and Sebastian turned toward the hill and saw that Annabel was indeed gone. Their gaze locked again and Sebastian’s lips moved silently, mouthing the words, “I love you.” Arielle smiled softly.
    “Let’s go!” Sebastian called out, and the four of them set out to catch up with Troy and Gabrielle. Arielle rode quietly, trying to stop the wild thoughts from whirling around her head.
    Was Annabel always going to be lurking somewhere in the background, just waiting for a chance to destroy her happiness? The joy was gone for Arielle. Eerie thoughts entered her head. The fact that I’m on a horse doesn’t seem to be of any importance, she thought. I’m riding with no fear of Whisper now because Annabel holds every fear my mind could produce. I’ll have to face her at some point in time, but does it have to be now, while on this glorious holiday with our friends? She wants to kill me, and I’m panicking.
    She swallowed hard and kept her thoughts to herself. I can’t panic… I can’t panic she kept repeating until she finally started to calm down and regain her faculties. Turning and looking behind her she saw Sebastian watching her, waiting for her to say something.
    “I’m fine.” She smiled wide, and Sebastian relaxed. Loud whistles ahead of her made her turn around again, and snap out of her eerie thoughts. She saw Ian and Eva waving eagerly out into the far distance. Troy and Gabrielle were standing on their horses, utterly unmoved, like two glorious riders in a beautiful painting filled with lush fields, the ocean a backdrop. Wow! They looked like they belonged in the pages of a Gothic book. Her lips turned up in amazement and she snorted, thinking of Gabby and her goofy ways.
    “What happened to you?” Gabby called as they approached.
    “Arielle didn’t feel very good, she went limp on her horse,” Eva said, offering an explanation.
    “What? Are you okay?” Gabby asked, affectionately.
    “Yes, yes, I’m fine, thanks, Gabby,” Arielle replied, quietly, wanting to change the subject.
    They all set out toward the open fields. They were now crossing a graveyard that was located about a mile away from the house, the hoof beats muffled by the thick grass on the ground. Gabrielle asked about the cemetery and Sebastian was happy to explain that this was a family cemetery that had been there for a few centuries. Several members of his family were buried in the large vaults. They all felt that they had stepped back in time, and they were all incredibly interested in the family history.
    Meanwhile Arielle was shivering, thinking about Annabel and what was still to come. It seemed that every time they spoke about death and cemeteries, Annabel’s vision was there, ready to torment her, ready to ruin her life. She recalled the feeling of Annabel’s eyes piercing through hers, filled with revulsion. Instinctively she covered her face with her hands, as if she would be able to erase that picture from her mind. She felt stressed and scared, and she knew that this wasn’t escaping Sebastian’s notice, or that of her friends for that matter. They all looked concerned.
    “What’s the matter, Arielle?” Eva asked.
    “Nothing, I think I got something in my eye, but I’m okay,” she said, trying to hide her feelings.
    Sebastian wasn’t buying it, and he moved his horse next to Arielle’s, watching her carefully. They were on their way back to the house, and she could hear her friends talking with excitement about the ride. But Eva was quiet, and so was Arielle. They
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