
Aquamaxitor Read Online Free PDF

Book: Aquamaxitor Read Online Free PDF
Author: Mac Park
through mud.’
    Just then Kai’s orb beeped

    â€˜It’s a text from Li,’ said Kai. ‘He’s coming in the Jet Stream 2W. He says it’s even better than before.’
    â€˜Did the catbot get any upgrades?’ asked BC.
    Kai patted BC’s head and said, ‘Don’t worry about the cat. We have bigger things tochase right now.’
    Kai saw the Sludgebot that he used in the mud land last time. ‘The BMC has added loads of upgrades to this, BC,’ he said. ‘And it can join with Li’s Jet Stream 2W. There’s a gadget next to it.’
    â€˜It says Heat-Zap Combo,’ said BC. ‘It must be the Heat Blaster and the water land Super-Zap joined together.’
    â€˜This is perfect for us,’ said Kai and he hit the Sludgebot button. ‘Let’s go, BC.’
    Kai and BC took the lift to the transport chamber. The ride was waiting for them when the lift doors opened at the transport chamber’s floor.
    Kai put BC into the ride’s cockpit. Then he climbed in after him. He keyed in the codes for the mud land on his orb.The chamber doors opened and the Super Sludgebot shot out the tunnel to Beastium.

Kai and BC flew into blinding golden light. ‘Where are we?’ asked BC. ‘I’ve never seen anything like this before.’
    â€˜We’re in the mud land,’ answered Kai. ‘The brown sludge has turned toxic. It’s all yellow now. Just like the mud that was on your eye lenses.’
    â€˜But how has it happened?’ asked BC.
    â€˜I don’t know,’ answered Kai. ‘But the beasts are tagged by the BMC. My watch picks up those tags so we can track these two beasts down quickly. We need to get them back behind the Outlands’ gates before they can do any more damage.’
    â€˜Oh-oh,’ said BC wagging his tail. ‘Trouble on the way.’
    â€˜Where?’ asked Kai. ‘I can’t see anything?’
    And then he heard it.

    â€˜It’s a massive bunch of flying toxic jellyfish!’ yelled Kai. ‘And they’re comingstraight at us.’
    â€˜And something else,’ said BC. ‘Can you hear it?’

    â€˜Rock-bombing hawks,’ said Kai. ‘It’s a full-on pest attack!
    You zap the birds with your eye lasers when I open the cockpit. I’ll get the flying jellyfish with the Heat-Zap Combo.’
    Kai opened the cockpit. BC flew straight out towards the birds and began zapping.
    Kai blasted the jellyfish one by one and watched them drop away. The heat-blaster is melting them, thought Kai. Good, only a few to go and then I can help BC with the birds.
    â€˜More birds coming,’ called BC. ‘Too many to handle! They’re dropping something. Something is making more birds!’
    All of a sudden the Super Sludgebot was hit by a flying rock-attack. These pests are big trouble, thought Kai as he steadied the Sludgebot.
    â€˜One jellyfish to go and then I can help you BC. Hang in there!’
    A text message suddenly flashed on Kai’s cockpit computer.

    All at once a terrible screeching noise broke out.

    â€˜Aaagh!’ cried Kai. He hit the button for his ear plugs. Then he looked out the window. All of the birds had folded their wings around their heads. The birds are falling away, thought Kai.
    Then Kai looked at the flying jellyfish he’d zapped.They were lying in melted blobs on the mud.
    Oh no. They’re turning yellow. Like the yellow toxic mud. What does that mean?
    Then Kai saw Ying Li’s catbot. It flew past BC and over the top of Kai’s Super Sludgebot. And its mouth was wide open. So that’s where the terrible noise is coming from, thought Kai.
    â€˜Border Guard Ying Li,’ Kai said into the mouthpiece. ‘Report in for duty.’
    â€˜Ying Li and BF reporting for duty Captain Kai,’ Li’s voice said over the sludgebot’s speakers.
    Kai stared at the speakers in shock. He could
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