Anything But Mine

Anything But Mine Read Online Free PDF

Book: Anything But Mine Read Online Free PDF
Author: Barbara Justice
glasses in the dishwasher. When she was done, she turned out the lights and walked towards her bedroom, glancing up the stairs in the hopes of catching a glimpse of Drew.
    For a moment, Jen thought about running up the stairs and jumping into bed with Drew, but knew deep down that he was right. Patience is a virtue , she thought with a sigh. She walked down the hallway to her bedroom, closing the door behind her, but was unable to get Drew out of her mind as she conjured up a mental image of him lying in bed. I know he is right, that we need to be patient, but I’m not sure I can wait that much longer .
    As Jen climbed into bed, she was bathed in the moonlight shining through the French doors leading from her room to the rear patio. Lying on her side, she gazed up at the night sky but, despite being exhausted, she couldn’t fall asleep knowing Drew was right upstairs.
    Her mind wandered back to the morning just two weeks earlier, when she walked in on Chris and Vicky in bed, and she felt sick to her stomach. It seems like a lifetime ago, and just yesterday, all at the same time, that my world came crashing down around me , she thought, as she turned over on her back and stared up at the ceiling. She felt a catch in her throat, and her eyes filled with tears that slowly rolled down her face. Wiping her eyes with the back of her hand, she realized that she wasn’t ready yet to begin a physical relationship with Drew if she was still shedding tears over Chris. I’ve got to get the “date” with Vince Moscolo over with as soon as possible, she silently vowed, as she tossed back and forth, unable to sleep. Then I can make a fresh start with Drew.

    I n the weeks leading up to Christmas, Jen and Drew went on frequent dinner and movie dates in addition to their daily runs, with the understanding that they would move cautiously, and not rush their relationship. “Patience is a virtue,” was Drew’s mantra, as he and Jen held hands, kissed, and cuddled together, but nothing more. But the waiting is killing me, he thought.
    He and Jen skated arm in arm at Wollman Rink on the last Friday before Christmas after he finished work at a nearby television station, where he was employed as an assistant producer and substitute sports reporter. “Want to get some hot chocolate? I’m freezing,” Drew asked, as they left the ice rink.
    “That sounds perfect,” Jen said, as she followed Drew to the concession stand. While he placed their order, she stole a quick sideways glance at Drew’s handsome profile. You’ve become such a big part of my life, she thought.
    While they sipped their hot chocolate, Drew asked, “So, what’s the plan for tomorrow? I’d love to see you again before I head home to California on Sunday.”
    “I think I’m going to pick up a Christmas tree,” Jen replied. “Want to come over in the afternoon and help me decorate it? I’ll make a nice dinner, and we can spend the day together.”
    “I’d love that,” Drew said, as he put his arm around Jen and kissed the top of her head. “I’m going to miss you while I’m back home.”

    The following afternoon, as Jen stared out her living room window at the Manhattan skyline, watching snow flurries swirl in the wind, she realized that she was slowly falling in love with Drew. I can’t wait for later, she thought as she pulled her cashmere cardigan tightly around her body. Tonight is the night. Tonight we’ll finally be together.
    Drew arrived at Jen’s apartment with a bottle of champagne and a sprig of mistletoe. “All the ingredients for a perfect celebration,” he said, as Jen greeted him with a hug.
    “Thanks for the champagne,” Jen said, as she placed it in the refrigerator. “We can have it later with dinner, but let’s make use of the mistletoe right away,” she said, as she placed her lips on his.
    Drew pulled Jen close, not wanting to let her go. I have no idea how I’m going
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