Anno Zombus Year 1 (Book 9): September

Anno Zombus Year 1 (Book 9): September Read Online Free PDF

Book: Anno Zombus Year 1 (Book 9): September Read Online Free PDF
Author: Dave Rowlands
Tags: Zombie Apocalypse
    I told her that Fluffy might not know a great deal about anything, but that I’d try to get in contact.  For that, I asked The Boss’s permission to go topside in the evenings.  She agreed instantly, provided that it was just me alone.  I was not to remotely risk endangering her daughter’s safety in such a manner.  Fluffy could beam me up and take me away forever and she will lose a good soldier and a valuable ally, not to mention her son-out-law.  Her daughter was not to be risked at all.  I agreed on the spot, and we were dismissed.
    “I’m going up with you,” Apocalypse Girl told me as we stalked out of her mother’s office.  “I don’t care what she says.  There is no fucking way I’m letting you up there alone.”  I appreciated her concern.  I also told her that I didn’t want her getting into any trouble on my account.  Nor did I want to get into any trouble myself for her actions.  We were still new here, despite her familial connections.  “She won’t kick us out or anything, the worst that might happen is you get suspended from duty for a while.  She’s only had one person killed outright as punishment since taking over here, according to everyone I’ve talked to, and that guy drew on her.  Your squaddie, Giant?  She was there if you ever want to ask her about it.”
    We walked to the mess hall in relative quiet after that, greeting people that we passed, some of whom we knew, most we did not.  Valkyrie appeared at our side almost as if by magic, the tall, beautiful blonde woman bemoaning the fact that she’d been without Viking’s company for the last couple of days.  “If he’s going out with you regularly, I want you to promise to look after him,” She told me in no uncertain terms.  Laughing, I told her that I was far more likely to need him to look out for me, but that with six of us in the squad it was unlikely that any real lasting harm would happen to any of us.  She didn’t seem very convinced, and made me promise anyway.  Viking being probably my closest friend of the post-apocalyptic world, it was an easy oath to swear.  Valkyrie knew the truth of the wasteland that Australia had become, she had seen more than enough of the world.  She knew that I meant what I promised, but also that promises of that nature were becoming increasingly more difficult to live up to.
    Valkyrie joined us for lunch, sitting next to an already munching Viking, greeting him with a kiss to the back of the neck.  The rest of the squad, sitting around the table, guffawed loudly.  They all knew full well that my two large blonde friends were married, but cared little.  All they saw was fruit for laughter.
    “Saved you and your missus a seat, Boss-man,” Giant told me, patting the bench next to her.  “Come on, I’m not contagious.”
    “Yeah, right,” Apocalypse Girl shot back at her without pause for thought.  “If we sit that close to you we might all end up catching Tall from you!”  The whole squad erupted in laughter and we sat beside my proportionately massive subordinate.
    “Look at the pair of you, though, you could use it!”  Giant replied once the chuckles died down somewhat.  “Now that there aren’t any supermarkets filled with little old ladies wanting me to get shit down from the top shelf for them, being tall is fucking awesome!”
    The rest of the afternoon was spent mostly relaxing.  The Boss had a cinema set up a few months ago, at the request of some of the troops, constantly screening something.  It all depended on what her people found while outside, really.  This afternoon’s session was an older movie that somebody found with a bunch of others, a black and white movie about a cross-dressing serial killer.  You know the one, the leading lady got herself stabbed in the shower in the first twenty minutes.
    So, after the declaration that said serial killer wouldn’t even hurt a fly, the
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