Angel in Chains

Angel in Chains Read Online Free PDF

Book: Angel in Chains Read Online Free PDF
Author: Nellie C. Lind
here with me for a few days. At first it will give me strength to go through the draining of my life force. Then Yorin will return to drain me. After, that I will be on the verge of death while the cave closes for another ten years.”
    Inez gulped. “I thought you can't die.”
    “I can't. That's why I will, for a long time, just fall in and out of consciousness.” She heard him take a deep sigh. “I've been through this so many times by now ... and I'm so tired of it all ...”
    His last words were nothing but a whisper, but Inez could hear the pain in them. There were no lies in them, only sincerity and a deep longing that hit her right in the chest.
    For several minutes , there was nothing but silence between them. Even though Inez had told herself not to look at him she couldn't help it. Would it really be so bad to help him? So what if he just left and never looked back? Then she would have at least done a good deed, right? He would be free and safe, and she could go on with her life.
    A chill went through her again, but this time it was an unpleasant one. Going back to her regular life after this? Would it even be possible? Did she really want to return to her own prison? The difference was that her prison didn't have walls or chains, but it was a lonely prison without much hope for the future.
    Aledyan slowly got up on his feet. She immediately noticed the difference. He was stronger now and not that tired anymore. He stood straight, and didn't seem to be in pain. It wasn't until she looked down at his legs that she noticed he was still a little bit shaky. The wings were still lying down on the ground, but he started to try to raise them.
    She heard a deep sigh from him as if lifting the wings took huge amounts of his energy.
    “Are you alright?” she asked, even if she knew that he wasn't.
    He gave her a gentle smile. “I'll be alright soon.”
    “But not for a long time ...”
    His smile disappeared. “No.”
    “Is there a way that I can ... help you get stronger ... faster?”
    She didn't know what his answer would be, but while she waited for it she started to feel more and more nervous.
    He nodded , and Inez thought her heart would jump out from her chest when he said: “You could kiss me.”

Chapter 11
    Aledyan saw Inez eyes grow big. Her jaw dropped, and she stared at him as if she couldn't believe what he had just said. It was no lie, a kiss would give him some strength. Well, at least it would make him feel good for a while, and maybe open her up to him more.
    Aledyan felt that his legs were still weak. The wings were too heavy to lift, but things were improving. His body was getting stronger, and he wasn't that tired anymore. Now, when his strength was returning and Inez was here with him, his escape was closer than ever before. He didn't want to hurt Inez, and he promised himself that he wouldn't. He would do everything to make sure she felt safe with him. He would make sure that being in his arms would be the best thing she ever experienced.
    And once he was fr ee, he would come back for her.
    He would find a way.
    “A kiss?” she asked.
    He nodded again. “I promise I won't touch you. I will keep my arms behind my back, and you will have complete control.”
    Aledyan lowered his arms and placed them behind his back, just like he had said, and waited. He looked forward to kissing her. He had enjoyed being near her, but this was something else. He felt his body react to her. His heart was beating harder, and he was breathing faster. He felt the excitement in the air and Inez seemed just as effected as he was.
    She approached him slowly and kept eye contact with him. When she licked her lips he almost jumped out of his skin, and she hadn't even touched him yet.
    “Just a little ... kiss?” she asked and tried to smile, but her lips trembled.
    “The more, the better,” he answered with a hoarse voice.
    Inez seemed to prepare herself, but she was hesitating.
    “Do you re ally want to do
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