did him at that moment. ‘Then I’ll take it.’ I tugged to get my arm free.
‘Part of the deal is being nice to me.’ He pulled me closer.
Crap. ‘I am being nice to you, Jay.’ I hadn’t scratched his eyes out yet.
‘Nicer than that, honey.’
The door shoved behind him, toppling us both forward. Matt appeared with a trolley.
‘Oh sorry,’ he said, not in the least apologetic, ‘just loading up my kit before my car gets a parking ticket.’
Saved by the drum kit. I freed myself from Octopus Jay. ‘Let me help you. Jay says I can appear with you at Rockport: isn’t that great?’
‘Yeah. Thanks, mate.’ Matt gave Jay an over-friendly punch on the shoulder. Jay winced. ‘She’s like our secret weapon, isn’t she? A great find you made when you selected her.’
That’s right, Matt: appeal to Jay’s vanity. Make me into his discovery.
‘I suppose I did. Yeah, I was the one that found her.’ I could see Jay was already planning to use the line in interviews. ‘See you in the bar after you’ve packed up?’ Jay’s eyes swept my entirely ordinary jeans and jumper combo, managing to make me feel tainted.
‘Tragically, I’ve got to dash.’ Hold back on the sarcasm, Angel. ‘I’ve got a music exam tomorrow.’
Matt ruffled my hair. ‘Good luck. You know I forget you’re still in sixth form—way younger than the rest of us.’ I picked up his subtext: Jay, you are a creep picking on schoolgirls.
‘Not that much younger,’ grumbled Jay, who liked no one to remind him that he had said goodbye to his teens.
‘Well, thanks anyway for having me back,’ I said brightly. ‘I’ll see you at the next rehearsal. Let me grab that for you, Matt.’ Picking up the snare drum, I made a run for it with Matt’s kit before Jay changed his mind.
Surveying the belongings scattered on my powder-blue carpet between bed and window, I ticked off the list of things I had to bring: wellies, tent, clothes for mud, clothes to perform in, clothes to party in, towel, toiletries. What else? Problem was I was so excited I couldn’t sit still long enough to remember.
Mum came in carrying a pile of folded laundry. ‘I expect these to end up in your chest of drawers, not on the floor, young lady.’
‘Yes, Mum.’ I gazed vacantly into the half-empty wardrobe. There was definitely something missing.
Mum stood among the flotsam and jetsam on my carpet sea, hands on hips. ‘And is all that supposed to fit in your rucksack?’
‘That’s the plan.’
Mum hummed and started filling the bag with her usual methodical ease. ‘I’m a little worried about you going off to that festival. I’ve heard about these things—don’t take any pills people offer you.’
Wise advice but I really already knew that. ‘I won’t.’
‘And try to get some sleep. Scientists have proved that our best sleep is the two hours before midnight.’
‘Uh-huh.’ Sleep could wait.
‘And don’t talk to any strangers.’
‘I’ll be with Will Benedict when I’m not with the band, camping along with Misty, Summer, and Alex. You like them, don’t you?’ I added a little travel case of jewellery to the pile.
Mum rifled through my heap of things. ‘Are you not planning to change your underwear?’
I snapped my fingers. ‘That’s what I forgot.’ I pressed a smacking kiss on the top of her head. ‘Thanks, Mum. You must think I can’t cross the road safely without you.’
She bit her lip, repressing her urge to agree. ‘I was going to see if I could do something about the local weather for you—divert a few winds to a few miles down the coast.’
That would exhaust her—and was unethical. Savants aren’t really supposed to use their powers to arrange the world for their own convenience—large-scale use was for emergencies only. If Mum adapted the weather at the Rockport festival to stop her daughter getting damp then some poor farmer in Africa might not get the rains she needed: everything is interlinked like