An Heir of Deception
infinitesimal warming in his silver gray eyes. In a surprising move, he lowered to his haunches and extended his right hand to her son. Nicholas inched back against her skirts, shooting a quick look up at her as if to seek assurance that this strange man was indeed safe. Too bewildered by Alex’s unexpected show of kindness to do anything else, Charlotte responded with another jerky nod.
    Nicholas slowly lifted his hand to find it quickly enveloped in Alex’s much larger one. “And your name, young man?”
    Charlotte opened her mouth to answer, but it seemed her son had had the response primed and ready on the tip of his tongue.
    A pleasure to make your acquaintance, Nicholas,” Alex said solemnly, giving her son’s hand a firm yet gentle shake.
    Who would have thought such an innocuous gesture could break a heart clean in two. Charlotte experienced the truth of it for herself.
    “Thank you, sir.”
    “And how old are you?”
    Charlotte’s heartbeat thundered in her ears and her hand tightened on her son’s slender shoulders. Before he could respond, she replied, “He will be four in July.” Lie number two.
    Releasing Nicholas’s hand, Alex rose smoothly to his feet. “He’s tall for three.”
    Her son was tall for four. He’d be tall like his father. A short silence followed his statement, as Charlotte could not bring herself to agree.
    His gaze met hers. Guilt and a swell of wholly inappropriate emotions caused another wave of heat to flood her face in a mad rush.
    Alex pulled out a gold fob and gave it a quick glance before returning it to his coat pocket. Inclining his head in a nod toward her son, he said, “It was a pleasure to meet you, Nicholas.” He then directed his attention to Katie who had long gone silent behind her. “Good day, ladies.”
    The use of the term ladies should have signified her inclusion, but something in the fleeting look he gave her did not leave her with the feeling he wished her well at all. In fact, behind his impenetrable stare, she was certain he wished her a trip to hell and back—or perhaps he’d rather she not return.
    For the second time in the span of a quarter hour, Alex took his leave of her and something inside her told her he’d do his utmost to avoid all future contact. She wanted to weep the same way she’d done when she had been the one to walk away all those years ago.
    It was only at the distant click of the front door closing that Katie came to her side. “You were married and didn’t say a word of it to me? Not in one of the twenty letters you’ve written over the years might you have mentioned a husband…and a son?” From her tone, it was difficult for Charlotte to discern whether her sister was more angry than hurt, but she estimated—or rather hoped—it was the former as that emotion was easier to deal with.
    Nicholas turned and looked up to view his aunt. He became wide-eyed and began frantically tugging on the hand Charlotte had rested on his shoulder. “Mama, she looks like you,” he exclaimed in a high voice.
    With her eyes, Charlotte pleaded for her sister’s understanding and cooperation. The last thing she wanted was to have this particular conversation in front of her son, her maid, and anyone else whose interest was piqued by a salacious bit of gossip.
    Katie acknowledged her silent request with a terse nod before doing just as Alex had done by going down on her haunches in front of her nephew.
    “Do you remember when mama told you that I had a sister who looked like me? Well, this is your Aunt Katie. Now be a good boy and say hello,” Charlotte urged gently.
    Tears gathered in her sister’s eyes as she stared at Nicholas in wonder, completely enraptured.
    “Hullo, Aunt Katie,” he whispered, staring at her with the same sort of fixation.
    Her sister’s fingers skimmed his pink cheeks and chin in feather light brushes. “Hello, Nicholas,” she said in a choked voice. “Would you mind terribly if I gave you
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