An Amish Christmas With the Bontrager Sisters

An Amish Christmas With the Bontrager Sisters Read Online Free PDF Page B

Book: An Amish Christmas With the Bontrager Sisters Read Online Free PDF
Author: Hannah Schrock
“You must come with us.”
    “If it is Gott’s will,” Mamm intervened, “no English doctor or medicine can prevent it from happening.”
    “ Gott also asks us to look for a cure if there is one,” Emma said. “Please Sarah, if not for yourself do it for the kinder . We must know what is ailing you so.”
    “I do want to know if the boppli is alright,” Sarah said, thoughtfully touching her bulging belly. “There are times at night when I can not feel him move.”
    “It is settled then,” Emma said. “I will go with you and we will find out if the boppli is alright and what is ailing you.”
    “I still think we should submit ourselves to Gott’s will,” Mamm sniffed, “your father will not approve.”
    “Poor Mamm ,” Sarah said, her heavy eyelids dropping on tired eyes. “I came to be a comfort to you and look at what I have done. I am a burden to you in my sickness.”
    “Nonsense,” Mamm said. “Ruth and Isaac help and you are my dochdur , you can never be a burden.”
    “Sarah is right Mamm ,” Emma said. “Her ailment must put the burden of housework on you. Let Sarah stay with me. I can care for her.”
    “But the kinder ,” Mamm argued.
    “The kinder can come and help around the house after schul ,” Emma said. “And Jarron can pick them up in his buggy before dinner.”
    “Poor Jarron will grow weary of riding around after the kinder ,” Mamm objected.
    “You know he loves them like they were his own,” Emma blushed mortified and Mamm looked ashamed for her curt words. “He will be delighted to have the children stay with us.”
    “If that is what Sarah wants,” Mamm spread her hands in defeat.
    “As much as I love you Mamm ,” Sarah said kindly, “I think it best if I live with Emma till the baby comes. I can not bear to see you up since cock crow to take care of me when your own bones are so weary.”
    Mamm brushed away the tears in her eyes and kissed Sarah’s forehead, then her hands. The door opened at that moment and Martha walked in with an almighty sneeze. Mother and daughters all joined in the laughter.  
    “You’re home early today,” Emma commented.
    “I didn’t go in,” Martha said sheepishly. “ Daed needed a hand with the calving.”
    “How is your quilt coming along?” Emma asked passing Martha a slice of honey cake.
    “Slowly,” Martha said with a fond smile. “I enjoy working on it between customers at the shop.”
    “It took you long enough to decide on a pattern,” Mamm teased.
    “I finally persuaded Martha to keep it simple,” Sarah added. “So she’s decided on a bear paw pattern.”
    “If our Martha’s at it, it will be wundrbaar ,” Emma said but Martha only looked guilty. Emma was intrigued by this strange emotion on her sister’s face. “Sarah and the kinder are coming to stay with us,” Emma told Martha.
    “I figured as much,” Martha nodded. “ Mamm can hardly take care of all of us and I am at the shop most days. It was very kind of you to suggest it and if you need me for anything,” Martha touched both Emma and Sarah’s hands, “ ja , anything, you let me know.”
    They basked in the moment of filial unity. The door opened once more and Daed walked in with the children. He looked at his family. His aging wife, his three daughters, one stained with the actions of her youth, one finally with a husband who was in good health, and his first born struck down with spiritual and physical maladies, and he saw how strongly they were smiling in the face of adversary, as one family. It filled his heart with Gott’s wonder.
    “Don’t you women have anything better to do?” he asked gruffly, enjoying it heartily when they burst out laughing.

Gott's Will
    The English hospital was just like Emma remembered it, stark, white and sterile. It smelled of disinfectant and other artificial English made smells. They had been coming to the English doctor for nearly a month now and Emma was finding it exceedingly
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