extremely unpleasant. She glanced up at him and for a weird moment got the impression that he’d grown taller. Surely that wasn’t possible. It must have been a trick of the light, or a strange angle, or…something.
“Can I get you anything? I am uncertain of the bedtime rituals for humans from your time. Do you sleep naked, or should I ask To’h to provide you with some sort of covering?”
“I…um…” She really, really wished he hadn’t mentioned the word “naked.” Her libido kicked into high gear as memories of his hard cock pressing against her stomach rolled through her mind. Wow, did it just get way hotter in here? “A sleep shirt or maybe some pajamas would be nice, if you…um…have something like that.”
“To’h?” Karriak-Sektannen asked the computer.
“Of course,” it said with a suspiciously innocent voice. “They’ll be ready in a jiffy.”
Amanda smiled at the computer’s deliberate use of her earlier colloquialism. “Thank you, To’h.”
“You’re welcome,” To’huto said with what seemed to be a “smile” in its voice.
“Your sleepwear will fall into this basket when To’h is finished,” Karriak-Sektannen said, pointing at the space. “I’ll just go check that the rest of the ship is locked down while you get changed and climb into bed.”
“Thank you,” she said as she watched Karriak-Sektannen head out the door. He bumped his head on the top of the doorframe, cursed quietly as he rubbed the sore spot, and then continued on his way.
But as the computer finished creating her clothes and dropped them into the basket, Amanda began to wonder who was playing games. The lace was a deep, rich purple hue and quite fine in its weave, but it was the sheer, silky material and matching G-string that had her groaning.
“Is it not to your liking?” To’h asked, sounding like a confused male.
“I like it just fine,” Amanda said, wondering how the hell to explain “cock tease” to a computer. “They’re actually quite lovely, but…”
“If you like them, then I don’t see what the problem is. They will fit you perfectly—I have your measurements still from your medical scans—and they are typical of human sleepwear from your time period.”
“But they’re…um…designed to…um…seduce.”
“Is that not what you want?” the computer asked, sounding innocent. She had a sneaking suspicion that the dumb act was just that, an act, and she was also beginning to wonder just what she might end up with next if she asked the computer to make something else. Dealing with To’h seemed a little like dealing with the “genie in the bottle.” If that was the case then she better be damned careful what she wished for.
“This will be fine, To’h. Thank you.” In truth she was kind of intrigued to see what they looked like on. She’d never worn sexy lingerie before—she’d always been more of a “cotton undies and sports bra” kind of girl—so it was an indulgence she couldn’t really pass up. “Do I need to ask you to um…avert your eyes, or maybe, I don’t know…stop recording?”
“Technically, no,” the computer said. “In this room I only have voice receptors, and Karriak-Sektannen can turn them off anytime he chooses. I suspect he did that deliberately so that I wouldn’t embarrass him while he was masturbating.”
Well, ask a silly question…
But, that “genie in the bottle” theory was starting to look pretty solid about now. She was almost certain To’h had been going to say something similarly outrageous earlier when Karriak-Sektannen had turned off the computer’s audio.
She quickly dragged off her flight suit and stripped away her underclothes in record time. She pulled the lingerie on quickly, almost sighing at the sensual feeling the soft material evoked. She was about to climb under the covers when the computer spoke up again.
“Behind the door to your left is what I believe humans call a bathroom. I have