curious nature,” Hector said, smiling again.
Cristina smiled, too, in approval of his chivalrous attempt to soothe Macleod’s temper, although he might as well have saved his breath.
“Aye, Euphemia’s a curious woman,” Macleod said. “Listened at doors as a child, and may still do so, since Isobel has apparently picked up the habit.”
“She did not learn such habits from me,” Lady Euphemia said, indignantly. Catching her brother’s eye, she modulated her tone, saying earnestly, “Truly, you must know I would never do such a thing in your house, Murdo. I only listened as a child because I thought the stories your tutors told were as good as the seanachies’ tales. And even when they were not, they still fascinated me.”
“Foolishness,” Macleod declared. “A man doesna build estates and wealth by studying. That takes hard work, a strong sword arm, and powerful friends.”
“You have certainly accomplished much, sir,” Hector said. “The Macleods have grown to be one of the most powerful clans in the Isles.”
“’Tis true,” Macleod agreed, nodding. “Ye’ll ken fine that Macleod o’ Lewis be me kinsman, and he’s done well for himself, aye. He’s wedded to his grace’s eldest daughter, Marjory, ye ken, by his first wife, Amy Macruari.”
“Just as my brother Lachlan married his eldest daughter by the Princess Margaret Stewart,” Hector said gently.
“Ah, bah, she’s nae princess yet, me lad, and may never be, regardless o’ what them fools in Edinburgh did say. I’m thinking Robert the Steward be a poor choice to replace the present King o’ Scots.”
“I know many who agree with you, sir,” Hector said equably. “I cannot deny that there are men in Scotland from older families who—”
“Aye, well, if the sons o’ Gillean be upstarts, only think what that makes a man who produces bairns like a rabbit, calls them all Stewart after the position he holds, and claims the throne through his kinship to Robert the Bruce’s sister, without possessing half o’ Bruce’s brains or skill wi’ a sword.”
“You may be right, but Robert the Steward is nonetheless the man the Scottish Parliament has designated heir to the throne, and we cannot alter that unless you mean to incite civil war,” Hector said.
When his host frowned, he added, “I would submit, sir, that an alliance with Clan Gillean, such as the one I propose, would vastly increase your power after Robert does succeed, by binding you and your kinsmen even closer to the throne of Scotland and to the Lordship of the Isles.”
To Cristina’s surprise, her father did not reject the notion outright this time.
As the unexpected silence lengthened, Mariota said curiously, “How would our marriage do that, my lord?”
“Because my brother and I are trusted henchmen of the Lord of the Isles,” he said. “Doubtless, you would become friends with my brother’s wife, Mairi, who is his grace’s daughter.”
Mariota looked thoughtful before she said, “But as one of his grace’s councilors, my father is well acquainted with the Steward, are you not, sir?”
Macleod gave a curt nod, saying to Hector, “As I said afore, once Cristina’s off me hands, Mariota can look as high as she chooses for her husband, so I’ve nae need for closer connection to MacDonald or the Steward. Indeed, the Steward might add to his consequence an he allies himself wi’ the Macleods. If he ever does come to wear the crown, I’d no turn down his offer to make our Mariota a princess.”
Cristina glanced at Mariota, who looked thoughtful again.
“Oh, how exciting that would be!” Lady Euphemia exclaimed. “Would it not, my dear? Only think of seeing all the other ladies bow before you—well, except for the Queen, of course. But that would mean Alasdair Stewart, would it not, Murdo? I own, I have heard disturbing things about that young man. Do they not call him by some horrid name—Wolf, or some such? But the others are all either
Sonu Shamdasani C. G. Jung R. F.C. Hull