Alpha Trio 3: A Special Taste
side of the bunk and sat up. He watched the black silk of her hair shifting as she spun, her lips a bright crimson slash in her pale face. Pale, that is, but for two bright spots of color high on her sculpted cheekbones.
    Was Kall blushing?
    “What do you mean?” Grig curled his fingers around the edge of the bunk, resisting the urge to reach out, snag her and yank her against him. They were supposed to be resting up for tonight.
    Kall shoved a slender hand through her hair. The gesture made her pert breasts jiggle. “This... thing ... between us.”
    “You can think of another reason we were all over each other within minutes of meeting? I hadn’t even seen your face,” he growled, angered that she would try and deny what was between them. The fact that he’d wanted to do just that a moment ago seemed of little consequence now.
    She stopped pacing, twirling to face him, hands fisting at her sides. “But you’d tasted my blood!”
    Each word slammed into Grig’s gut as if she’d hurled knives. “What?” He felt the blood drain from his face.
    “You were dying.” Kall gritted the words out, eyes blazing. “You’d already lost too much blood. I didn’t know what else to do! I just acted. I dragged you into that basement and put your mouth to my throat. I cut my flesh and made you drink.” She took a single stalking step with each sentence, chin lifted. Her chest rose and fell in quick, panting breaths. Her nipples were hard, he saw.
    Grig remembered awakening in the dark with the copper taste of blood on his tongue. He should be disgusted at the thought of feeding on a bloodsucker, but instead, her words made his blood heat. Tasting a vamp that way? The thought was abhorrent.
    But tasting Kall ? Taking her very lifeblood into him? He licked his lips. No, abhorrence wasn’t the word for how the thought of that made him feel.
    “It worked. You healed me. You saved me.” His voice was gruff. Her lip lifted in a silent snarl, as if she’d expected him to argue more. Her fangs, sharp and white and wickedly curved, were lengthening.
    Grig had been bitten by vamps before, while fighting them. He knew what it felt like to have those razor-like teeth slice into his flesh. It hurt like a motherfucker. Not so long ago, the night they’d discovered Cassandra’s mind reading ability in fact, he’d fought a poisonous vamp that injected venom with its fangs, like a snake. A glancing blow from one of those deadly teeth had left him sick and reeling. It had not been a pleasant experience.
    Yet, the thought of Kall sinking her fangs into his flesh made his heart thud and his cock throb against the fabric of his jeans. He could picture her, long, pale legs wrapped around his waist as she rode him, licking his throat before piercing him with her teeth and sucking. He shuddered. Kall’s eyelids fluttered.
    “So...” Her already raspy voice was a dry croak. She stood mere inches from him now, her small, lovely face even with his thighs. Her gaze dropped to his groin and she swallowed audibly before clearing her throat. “So that could be why we’re feeling this... um...” She licked her lips.
    Grig imagined her lush, red mouth wrapped around his cock and almost groaned out loud. He tensed his jaw, biting it back. “Maybe,” he said, reaching out to touch her cheek, unable to resist.
    The second his fingertips touched her skin, fire raced up his arm to his heart. Like sticking his finger in an electrical socket, only better. More pleasurable. “That might explain why I feel drawn to you, why I can see you and sense you when no one else can... though I think it’s a stretch.” He thought it was bullshit, actually, and he thought she did too. She was grasping at straws. “But it doesn’t explain your reaction to me.”
    “Who says I have one?”
    Grig snorted, sliding his fingers into the satin fall of her hair and tugging her closer. She reached up
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