Alpha Male Incorporated: Take Control
She was going to make her nemesis understand that she couldn’t be bought. no matter how much money he tossed in her direction. If anyone was going to bring the business back from the edge of the cliff, it was going to be her and not him . The last time she checked, the last name August was on the front door, not Irizarry!

Chapter Four
    After driving to Alpha Male Incorporated, Raya stormed down the long hallway in search of Thorsten Irizarry. She counted to ten more than once to keep her temper in check. She didn’t want to be all riled up before she laid eyes on him. She wanted to have a clear head so she could tell him everything she had been keeping to herself for months.
    How dare he make a play for her corporation right under her nose? What kind of man was he? Is this the way he ran his company?
    God, how could she ever trust someone who smiled in her face one minute and then in the next shoved a knife in her back? Well, she wasn’t going to stand for it. She wondered if Jax and Zander knew that Thorsten had created a bogus company to steal hers away.
    If they were clueless, she was going to give them a rude awakening today. Thorsten wasn’t going to keep bothering her with texts, phone calls, or emails. She wasn’t anything to him, so why he kept asking her out on dates didn’t make any sense. They were never going to do anything with each other, ever !
    She had only laid eyes on Thorsten a few times in passing. Hell, he wasn’t anything special for her to remember or even have feelings for. The sooner he got the message through his thick skull, the faster she could be finished with this entire situation.
    Raya hadn’t shown him any kind of interest. She wasn’t against a man being confident in his abilities, but he took it to an entirely different level. She wouldn’t look at him twice if he was the only man left at the bar after last call.
    Turning the corner, she made a beeline for Thorsten’s office when a voice spoke behind her, stopping Raya in her tracks.
    “Hello, beautiful Raya. I knew you wouldn’t be able to stay away from me any longer.”
    Pivoting, Raya faced the man she had come all this way to see. Lord , she did have to give Thorsten credit. He knew how to wear clothes that set off his muscular frame. His jet black suit molded his muscular body perfectly, like it had been custom made. It definitely wasn’t off the rack. Seeing a well-dressed man always turned her on—too bad the sight of Thorsten turned her off.
    “Yes, I came here to see you, Mr. Irizarry, but it’s not for the reasons you are thinking,” she replied.
    Walking back towards him, Raya closed some of the distance, but not enough for him to touch her. If Thorsten wanted a woman to stroke his inflated ego, he would have to find another female to do it.
    “I don’t believe you. I think you got my last phone call. You are here to accept my invitation to dinner,” Thorsten told her with a hint of arrogance in his voice. “What time should I pick you up for our date?”
    Raya couldn’t believe he was actually asking her out with a straight face. Especially after the way he had been trying to steal what was hers.
    “I didn’t drive all the way across town to accept anything from you. I’m here for a totally different reason,” she answered. “I know who you are because my brother finally told me the truth.
    “How dare you smile in my face while trying to make a deal with Cedric behind my back? What kind of person are you?” she demanded. “I thought you were a lot of things, but never a liar. Stay away from my business and my brother. He might be a follower, but I’m not. You aren’t going to steal it from me. I have worked too hard to bring it back to where it is.”
    “Sweetheart, you’re getting upset too easily over nothing,” he said, smiling down at her. “I’m only trying to help you. We both know that you don’t have many investors left in your company. So why don’t you just sign the paperwork I
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