Almost Human
condition, and actually quite tempting.
    Alaric wrapped his hands in my hair and
lifted my head off the ground. I slid the knife into his belly.
Blood rushed over my hands. He roared in pain. I didn’t even see
his fist coming.

Chapter Four
    I woke to someone playing the piano softly.
I was trying to identify the song when the blazing pain in my skull
obliterated everything. I groaned and tried to push myself up in
bed. My hands wouldn’t move, and then I felt the cool metal against
my wrists. I rolled my head back so I could look at my arms. The
ice pack that had been resting on the back of my neck fell
    My wrists were firmly secured to the
headboard, and I had an air cast on my aching hand. At least that
was taken care of. It would heal quickly thanks to my magic.
    I glanced at the nude figure with his back
to me playing the piano. “Handcuffs. Kinky.”
    Alaric laughed but didn’t stop playing. “You
wouldn’t want to sit up anyway. You think the pain in your head is
bad now. Imagine if you tried to be upright.”
    He had a point, but I didn’t say it out
loud. I wasn’t up to agreeing with the vampire.
    “Thanks for the ice pack, by the way. Though
I don’t think one ice pack on the back of my neck is going to help
with the massive brain trauma you gave me. You probably would have
killed a human.”
    “I know. I was half worried you wouldn’t
wake again.”
    “Because you’d feel bad about killing
    He shook his head. “Nah, I don’t want Casey
cross with me. She’d get over it, but it would take a century or
so, and probably a lot of kittens.”
    I almost gagged. “You eat kittens.”
    He faced me. I could feel the stern frown,
even though I couldn’t see it in the darkened room. “Seriously? No.
Animal blood doesn’t sustain us. Casey likes animals.”
    I snorted. “Yeah, she always did. She
brought home every animal she came in contact with. Even wild ones
would follow her home. We had a doe spend the winter in our
backyard once.”
    “She is a goddess.”
    I frowned at him. “Do you love her,
    He shook his head and faced the piano again.
“Not in the way you’re thinking. She’s made my brother ecstatically
happy, and she does have that ethereal quality that seems to win
everyone over.”
    He was right. Casey could soften the hardest
of hearts. I hated that he seemed to know my sister so well. This
monster shouldn’t have been allowed near her.
    I eyed the curve of his nude hip. The only
place the moonlight hit him. “Why are you naked?”
    His booming laughter filled the room. “I
sleep like this. We won’t be having sex, if your virtue is a
concern.” He glanced over his shoulder and his teeth flashed white
in the darkness. “Unless, of course, you want to.”
    I glared at him. Oh, if looks could kill.
“Not even in your wildest dreams, buddy.”
    “You say that now, but I saw how you looked
at me when we fought. You could see yourself under me.”
    “Actually, I like to be on top.” Oh yeah,
great comeback.
    “I’m sure I could arrange that, too.”
    I shook my head, but stopped when pain lit
up my brain. “No, there will be no arranging.”
    He turned around and stepped toward the bed.
My protests died in my throat. God, every inch of him was perfect.
He was all lean, hard muscle. His erect cock was thick and
gorgeous. I had the vivid image of sliding it past my lips before I
slammed my eyes closed.
    The bed dipped under his weight, and it took
all my willpower to keep my eyes firmly shut. He stretched out next
to me. His erection pressed insistently against my thigh.
    He took a deep breath in through his nose.
“God, you smell like you want me. I love that smell. I can’t wait
to taste you.”
    I opened my eyes to glare at him and met the
bluest gaze I’d ever seen.
    “Have you ever been bitten by a vampire,
    My confused brain tripped over itself, first
to decipher what he said, and second to answer him with something
other than
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