All We See & Seem (Timber Wolves)

All We See & Seem (Timber Wolves) Read Online Free PDF

Book: All We See & Seem (Timber Wolves) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Tammy Blackwell
Talley Matthews touched someone she got it all. Every thought running through their head. Every emotion pouring through their soul. If she concentrated long enough, she could even pull memories from the vault where they normally resided in a person’s subconscious.
    When her Sight first manifested the summer before her senior year of high school, it had been overwhelming. She’d briefly considered dropping out of school and living the remainder of her life as a hermit to keep the noise of other people’s brains out of her head. Then Jase had stepped in, challenging her to get it under control. Believing she was stronger than her power.
    To her amazement, he had been right. She was able to control it, getting to the point where she could block a person’s inner-voices even when clasping their hand in hers. However, she’d always been able to pull down that barrier from her mind with little to no thought and delve right into the other person’s brain.
    Until now.
    “Who are you?” Talley wasn’t sure if she was asking for him to confirm his identity, or if she was inquiring as to what kind of person could block her Sight. Walker took it as the first and once again told her his name and pack. Again she got a whisper of emotion, enough to tell her he wasn’t lying, but clear thoughts were beyond her reach.
    “Why are you here?”
    “To see you.” Again, it felt like a truth, but Talley could have sworn there was something he wasn’t saying. It was in the trace of anxiety she Saw. She tried to follow that thread of emotion, hoping it would show her something more, but she lost it. It was like the emotion tapered off into a thick fog.
    “And what do you hope to accomplish by seeing me?”
    More anxiety, and this time a healthy dose of embarrassment. “I would like for you to become my mate,” he said after some hesitation.
    Talley froze in place. Not because of what he said. Six guys had already told her the same thing, although several of them had just announced that she would become their mate as if she’d just won a million dollars. No, Talley froze because of the emotion attached to his admission. Walker didn’t feel disgust or resignation at asking Talley to be his mate. He felt hope, desire, and fear of rejection. All the emotions she imagined someone would feel if they were interested in Talley Matthews, person, instead of Talley Matthews, Seer.
    “Why?” When Walker didn’t immediately answer, she became uncharacteristically impatient. “Why?” she asked again. “Why do you want me to be your mate?”
    This time she didn’t have to use her Sight to know his reaction. His hands told the whole story, tensing and slacking on the desk until big, angry blood vessels popped out along the backs of his fingers.
    “This isn’t what I wanted to happen,” he said. “I just wanted to meet you and get to know you. I wanted to see if it might have been possible for us to maybe work out. I swear, if it wasn’t so important, I would leave right now and never bother you again, but I’m begging you to please give me a chance.” He turned his head so Talley could see into his eyes, which she noticed were the color of watered down soda pop. “Please.”


Chapter 5
    Jase’s roommate looked like a bug. It wasn’t just that his too-big-for-his-face eyes were coupled with sharp cheekbones and a pointy chin, but his whole body had an insect quality to it. His overly long and thin limbs looked better suited for balancing on the end of a twig than pacing about their twelve by nineteen foot room.
    “Have you seen Suzie?” Joshua asked, looking under books and empty soda cans.
    Jase looked up from his math book. “And Suzie is…?”
    “My iPad.”
    “Your iPad?” Jase wondered exactly how much pot Joshua had smoked over the course of his life. “You mean that thing in your hand?”
    Joshua looked down as if just noticing he was holding something. “This is Alfred.” He held up the device, and
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