All the Sweet Tomorrows

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Book: All the Sweet Tomorrows Read Online Free PDF
Author: Bertrice Small
the edge of the bed and stood up. Her silk shirt was stained beneath the arms and her doublet was wrinkled. “Oh, Daisy, I am a disaster,” she said, shaking her head.
    Daisy chuckled. “A bath will fix you right up, m’lady. They loaded an extra keg of water aboard for you in Waterford, and it’s heating in the galley right this minute. Captain Kelly understands your peculiarities. I’ll have a man bring the water in, along with a small tub, m’lady.”
    “Get me something to eat too, Daisy. I’m famished!” Skye’s stomach rumbled in confirmation of this statement.
    While Daisy saw to her meal and her bath, Skye walked outside and around the deck, greeting her men as she went. The breeze was still brisk and fresh and clean with the first early daysof spring. Straining her eyes, she could just begin to make out the far dark rock that was Lundy Island. In less than two hours she would be there; and he would comfort her as he had so many times before. Skye returned to the master’s cabin of the ship, where a seaman was just exiting after having delivered the small oak tub and the hot water.
    Skye stripped off her grimy garments, handing them to Daisy as she did so. Completely nude, she stepped into the little tub and sat down. “Ahhh,” she breathed, pleased, “that is so good, Daisy. I didn’t feel my aches until just now.” Reaching out, she picked up the small cake of rose-scented soap that Daisy had left on the floor by the tub, and began to lather it between her hands. Daisy moved in behind her mistress, pinning her marvelous dark hair atop her head. Then, taking the soap from Skye, she briskly washed her back and commanded her to stand so she might wash her buttocks and long legs. Quickly she rinsed Skye, commenting, “It’s too chilly in this cabin for you to remain for a soak, m’lady. We can’t have you getting sick now, can we?” The tiring woman reached for the large rough towel upon the bed, and wrapped it about Skye as she stepped from the tub. Swiftly Daisy rubbed her down, bringing a rosy flush of color to Skye’s gardenia skin, and then said, “Get back into that bed, m’lady, until you’re good and warm again. I’ve got nut-brown ale, fresh bread, and some fine cheese for you to feast upon.”
    Skye settled herself and began hungrily to eat Daisy’s simple but filling offerings. “Well, I’m clean, but I’ll have to get back into those filthy clothes of mine, worse luck!”
    Daisy smiled. “I had a feeling that you’d not reach Devon without a stop at Lundy, I did. The cabin boy is brushing the mud from your skirt and your hose, and I’ve a clean shirt for you in my saddlebags, along with some fresh undergarments.”
    Skye flashed her tiring woman and old friend a grateful look. How well the faithful Daisy knew her. When she had finished eating and brushed the crumbs from Captain Kelly’s bed, she arose again and began to dress. The clean silk underthings and cream-colored shirt felt good against her skin. Daisy handed her first the finely knit dark green woollen hose and then her matching double-legged skirt. Amazingly, they were clean now and quite restored to respectability. Daisy helped her lady back into her knee-high boots, while Skye fastened a wide leather belt about her tiny waist. The belt’s buckle was a greenish bronze oval inlaid with black and gold enamel in a Celtic design. Skye sat again upon the bed while Daisy brushed her long black hairout, freeing it of its sleep tangles. Then she pulled it back and twisted it into one long, plump braid, which she fastened with a bit of dark wool.
    A quick knock upon the door followed by Skye’s permission to enter brought Captain Kelly into the cabin. He was the youngest of her captains; a man with bright-red hair and warm brown eyes. He was slender and not a great deal taller than Skye; but he had a quick mind, and was a daring seaman. “We’re entering Lundy harbor, m’lady. Have you any instructions for me while
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