All the Blue of Heaven

All the Blue of Heaven Read Online Free PDF

Book: All the Blue of Heaven Read Online Free PDF
Author: Virginia Carmichael
announcement at Jennie Anne’s
social, that she was leaving to study painting. Just the thought of that hope-filled
day made her nauseated .
Janey tugged Allie’s sleeve and looked toward the cookie platter hopefully.
Allie nodded.
“I can’t regret the years I spent in San Francisco with Matthew and Eleanor.
We... They encouraged me. We helped each other. I know you didn’t want him to
move there or to marry someone outside our circles, but they were happy.” She
felt her eyes fill with hot tears. “Really happy,
Mrs. Leeds’s dark eyes narrowed once more, cold and hard. She crossed both arms
over her heart. “Nothing good can come from disobedience, Alberta. How could
they hope for long and happy lives when they went against my wishes?”
Allie sucked in a breath, shocked.
“I knew your foolish ideas would end in disaster, it couldn’t have been
anything else.”

Janey leaned into Allie’s side, and yawned. Allie wrapped one arm around her
shoulders, thankful the little girl was more interested in cookies than adult
“We need to get the child into a bath, then bed,” Her mother said, voice
softer, gentler.
“I will go ask Maggie to run some water,” Allie said, disentangling herself
from Janey’s arms.
As she stepped into the hallway, Allie took deep breaths to steady herself. She
stopped near the kitchen door and rested her head against the wall. Was it
true? Had they all been punished for leaving Mama alone? But she had been so
sure that leaving for San Francisco had been what God wanted. Either God had
changed His mind, or she was deluded, or... The last option was too much to
bear. I know that God exists, but does He really care what happens to any of
“Miss Hathaway?” A timid voice broke into her thoughts.
shook the disturbing reasoning from her head and forced a smile for Maggie.
“I’m all right. I was just coming to ask if you could heat some water for
baths. It’s been a long journey.”
“Of course, right away.” Maggie turned to the kitchen, then hesitated. “Miss
Hathaway, could I ask you one question?”
Allie frowned, nodding. Please don’t ask about the fire or the earthquake.
“Is it very strange, over there in California?” Her eyes were alight with
“Well, it is a bit different. There are a lot of Chinese immigrants, and they
have some strange foods.” Allie smiled, thinking of Mr. Chang’s seafood soup.
“But it’s not as wild as some might think.”
Maggie sighed, eyes focused somewhere over Allie’s head. “I think it’s so
romantic, the way you just left for California, no husband waiting for you.”
“Well, my brother lived there and I was studying painting with a famous
portraitist, John Hamilton. But it was very exciting, yes,” Allie nodded,
struggling to remain pleasant. She really didn’t want to talk about this. All she
wanted was to drop her tired body into a warm bath.
“If I can save up enough for a ticket, I’m going to head to California. My pa
says I can’t go, but I’m almost full grown and I have to make my own
decisions,” she said fiercely.
Allie opened her mouth to suggest running away to California was not as
‘romantic’ as Maggie thought, when a voice behind her startled them both. Allie
turned to see her mother advancing on them.
“Thank you, Maggie. That is quite enough,” her mother said, her eyes
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