All Smoke No Fire
me some cookies and a can of whipped cream.” She’d braided her hair and it hung long and thick over her shoulder.
    He laughed. “Okay, any particular brand of cookies?”
    “Chocolate. That’s all I care about.”
    Dax left the room, closing the door. Beth stood at the front of the bus with her husband and they both turned and smiled at him. “Hey, how’d you sleep?”
    “Not bad, considering we’re on a moving vehicle.” He looked out the window at the brightly lit gas station. “How long do we have?”
    Joe held out his hand, palm up. “You’re the guest here. Whenever you’re ready to go. Take your time, buddy.”
    “Thanks.” Dax followed Joe off the bus, leaving him to the diesel fuel pumps, and walked into the small store. He headed for the personal items aisle first.
    Ten minutes later, back on the bus, Dax tossed the bag of condoms into his side of the room and set the cookies and whipped cream down on the table next to Marilou. Reaching to shut off her light, he jumped when her eyes opened.
    “Hey.” She sat up, cross-legged under the covers and patted the bed in front of her. “Sit a minute.” Setting the cookie package on her lap, she opened it and shook the can of whipped cream.
    He plopped down, a thrill skittering through him at being so close to her, on her bed. “What’s with the midnight snack?”
    She squirted whipped cream on a cookie and offered it to him.
    He shook his head and she popped it into her mouth, leaving a tiny fleck of white on her lip.
    “Comfort food.” She offered him a plain cookie, and he accepted it.
    “You nervous about something?” Was it the same thing he was nervous about? Things . Time off from his job, on a bus to Louisiana, playing and singing with Marilou Roselle, and, number one: making love to her.
    “Just this situation. I…” She glanced down. “I don’t want to screw this up either way around, you know what I mean?” Her sleepy gaze met his. “If we start a relationship, how will it affect our business dealings? And if business doesn’t work out between us…” She frowned.
    “Marilou.” He picked up a cookie and used the can to spread whipped cream onto it, holding it in front of her mouth.
    She took the treat from him, her lips brushing his fingers.
    The touch of her soft warm mouth on his hand shot wild urges down between his legs. He leaned forward, too tempted by her, by that dot of whipped cream resting on her lip. Kissing her soft and slow, he licked off the cream. “Let’s take it one day at a time.” His lips played over hers. “And work toward making things easy between us.”
    Her eyes opened, dark and sexy as she pulled back a few inches. “Easy.” Her gaze dropped to his mouth.
    He leaned in for another kiss.
    “Go.” Marilou shooed him off her bed. “We need to set some rules first. Don’t you dare distract me with your bedroom tricks.” She smiled, softening her words.
    With difficulty, both physical and emotional, he stood and walked away, stopping at the curtain. “Just promise me one thing.”
    She nodded, watching him.
    “Save some of that whipped cream so I can show you my favorite bedroom trick.”
    Her eyelids fluttered and she moaned.
    Dax grinned as he closed himself off from her with the curtain. He’d agree to damn near any rule she put out there, just to have her in his arms.

Chapter Four
    Marilou pulled back the curtain, looking in on Dax, who’d slept through the last pit stop. He lay on top of the covers in a pair of black underwear, his back to her. Her fingers tingled for a touch of his round, manly ass, muscled legs furred with dark hair, strong back, big biceps.
    He turned his head, his hot blue eyes half-open, and held out his hand. “Come and lie next to me for a while.”
    She shook her head, smiling. “Oh no, don’t even think you can lie there all buff and nearly naked and lure me in.” Licking her lips, she took another long look at him. “Tempting, but I bought breakfast for
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