All For One [Nuworld 3]

All For One [Nuworld 3] Read Online Free PDF

Book: All For One [Nuworld 3] Read Online Free PDF
Author: Lorie O'Claire
fourth man she hadn’t noticed until now. He sat on one of
    the boulders with long legs pulled up to his chest. His arms rested on his knees, and he
    looked like he would pounce to the ground on a moment’s notice.
    “Who are you?” She turned to face him but kept her laser pointed at the man she’d
    initially singled out. Her mama taught her long ago that in combat, if someone told you
    not to shoot, they probably didn’t want to see the person you were aiming at killed. It
    wasn’t good strategy to change your target.
    She realized that the man sitting on the rock was the man she’d seen through her
    viewer. Ana caught herself studying his features. She had thought the man had dark
    brown hair, but red locks, darker than a setting sun, fell in loose curls to his shoulders.
    Wisps of chest hair peeked out from a low-cut V-neck shirt. His face wasn’t shaven, but
    the hair on his chin seemed fine like a first beard.
    The man wore dark green clothes, his pants the same color as his shirt, and he wore
    a brown leather belt around his waist. The clothes fit him loosely, making it hard to see
    at first scrutiny how big he might actually be, but she guessed him not the equivalent of
    her brother and his friends, although he appeared to be older.
    The man’s eyes met hers and she felt a jolt inside her stomach she hadn’t
    experienced before. She didn’t feel nervous, but the quickening that settled in her gut
    made her giddy. He had the most intense emerald green eyes she’d ever seen. They
    were pools appearing to have no depth, and he seemed to look right through her every
    thought sorting through them one at a time. She forced her eyes away from his and
    instead focused on his mouth as he spoke, wishing the opening in her head cloak was
    adjusted better over her eyes.
    “I am Roth of the Barringswood tribe,” the man said, and cocked his head as if
    trying to get a better look at her.
    She remembered she wore her headscarf and that he couldn’t tell what she looked
    like. There was no indication of her long hair with the scarf around her face and head.
    Her large leather jacket made it difficult to detect her figure. She could feel the

    Lorie O’Clare
    penetration of his gaze as the emerald green eyes swept slowly over her body and then
    back up to her eyes. Again, she couldn’t meet them.
    “Please, no one here wishes to hurt you. You can put down your gun.” He waved
    an arm toward the three men. “Back off, give the lady some room.”
    The three tall men stepped backwards toward the edge of the mountain allowing
    her clear escape to her glider if she wished it. At the moment, she didn’t. This man,
    Roth of Barringswood tribe, had just called her a lady and his eyes were on her again.
    Slowly, she lowered her gun but kept it in her hand.
    “Now, tell me who you are and what you’re doing on the mountain. I am sure you
    know you’ve crossed the borders of your nation.” His voice remained calm and she
    thought his accent remarkably similar to Gothman’s.
    “I am Ana, daughter of Darius and Tara Bryon,” she said carefully, and watched for
    his reaction.
    His eyes narrowed, and then he smiled. “Darius and Tara? If you refer to Lord
    Darius, leader of all Gothman, and Tara of the Blood Circle Clan and leader of all
    Runners, then you certainly downplay your heritage.”
    So, he knew something about her people.
    “How do you know so much about my people yet I know nothing of you?” She
    cocked her head and dared to meet his gaze. His eyes were beautiful and they sparkled
    like fine jewels.
    “As we speak, my brother meets with the leaders of your nation—your parents.”
    He offered the information easily.
    “Your brother and not you?” Ana assumed Roth must be the younger. “So, you sit
    and watch for his safe return?”
    “No, not exactly.” His grin turned mischievous. “I actually watched for a
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