Alien Sex 102

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Book: Alien Sex 102 Read Online Free PDF
Author: Allie Ritch
attention to his own platter.
    Quiet conversation took over as everyone enjoyed the snack or, in Krux’s case, the late dinner. He participated when required and listened to what was said, but part of his attention remained fixed on his Duosien. Her love of food was obvious, although it was something he’d never noticed about her before. As she lifted each soft, tightly wrapped dumpling to her mouth, parted her lips, and slowly slipped it onto her tongue, he found himself entranced. He imagined her consuming the head of his cock with the same enthusiasm, licking it round and round as she delighted in his juices.
    Catching his eye on her, she bit down so sharply her teeth audibly clacked.
    Krux hid a wince as his fantasy instantly shattered. With her current attitude, he’d best keep her away from his most sensitive parts. At least she’d eaten what he’d chosen for her.
    Popping the last bite in her mouth, she turned to wave down one of the waiters. “Excuse me. That was absolutely delicious. Could you tell me what spices were used?”
    Krux raised an eyebrow in surprise. Was she fishing for the recipe? If she’d been any other woman, he would have assumed she wanted to try replicating the dish at home, but he doubted his Duosien princess had ever cooked a day in her life. She’d told him her full name often enough that he’d had no trouble looking it up. He knew what her fortune must be like. Her family owned a sizeable chunk of the intergalactic investment front and had grown to be one of the richest families in Trilanta. Katra was no doubt an heiress and, therefore, independently wealthy. She probably had at least one cook and a whole household of servants to see to her every need.
    He watched her listen attentively as the waiter rattled off the basic makeup of several of her favorite dumplings. “Planning to hire them to cater a party?”
    Her eyes fairly smoldered. “No party you’d ever be invited to.”
    Krux fought not to grumble. If he was going to succeed with her, he needed to conceal just how much she got to him.
    Pushing back their seats, they rose to depart, exchanging goodbyes as they headed out into the fresh night air. Although she didn’t glance his way, Krux knew Katra was aware of him at her side.
    “Waiting for your precious chariot?” he teased her.
    “Don’t you ever drive yourself?”
    He was genuinely curious about that. She was such an independent person in every other way. Why did she insist on using a driver? Was it a status thing? He’d hired drivers on occasion, but only for certain business dealings that called for it. Otherwise, he liked being in control.
    “No,” she bit out. “Don’t you have something better to do?”
    “I’m keeping you company until your ride arrives.”
    Her eyes narrowed to slits. “You’ve already done enough.”
    Ah, so his pretty Duosien was as frustrated as he was. Perhaps now was the perfect time to try a little enticement.
    He made her face him fully. “What if I promised to do more? Whatever aspersions you’ve cast upon me, I think you know I’m a man of my word. Let me make love to you, and I promise you orgasms beyond your wildest dreams. I’ll satisfy you, Katra.”
    Hope blossomed when she remained silent, although she scrutinized him as if looking for a trap.
    “My word,” he repeated. “Tomorrow night, our usual class time, I’ll pick you up at your house. If you come out to join me, I’ll take you to dinner anywhere you want, and then I’ll spend the rest of the night making love to you. It’ll be like a do-over of your modeling tonight—a demonstration that will end with the climax you crave.” He drew a deep breath and decided to gamble it all. “If you don’t come out, I’ll never make a pass at you again. Final offer.”
    For the first time since he’d known her, she had no snappy comeback or blistering remark. She just studied him like she’d never seen him before. Perhaps she never really
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