forward, unsteady on his feet. He no
longer just wore the Speedos. He’d put on leather pants and his boots.
    He emitted a series of growling sounds. “You found me,” the
box translated.
    “Yes, Coto. We got your message and converged together to seek
you out.”
    “Did you find Vhon?” Coto came closer, his gaze trailing
down Lynn’s body, then he looked back at the four men. “Report.”
    One of the other men stepped forward. “Not yet. We stopped
to seek you out.” He glared at Lynn. “You stated you were injured.”
    “Did the woman do that to you?” A longhaired redhead stepped
forward and revealed his sharp fangs as he snarled at Lynn.
    She actually backed up and bumped into Coto.
    He hooked one arm around her waist. “No. It was four
creatures that bit into me. I was attacked after picking up Vhon’s trail.” Coto
turned his bright-blue gaze back on Lynn. “You left me to get help?”
    Lynn still had a hard time speaking so she just nodded
curtly. Coto frowned, maybe not believing her. He looked away to stare at
Holion. “We will set up camp.”
    “There is an inhabited dwelling close by. It would be safer
to travel farther.”
    Coto growled. “No. She said he is blind. He won’t see us. It
is safe for us to camp here. I need to be treated. We will resume our search at
first light. More of the biting creatures are in the area.”
    Holion didn’t seem pleased with that order. He glared at
Lynn, snarling. “And what of her? She’s a danger.”
    “Tell her why we are here.” Coto pointed his dagger at the
redhead. “You do it, Gar. Show her the proof. She must think we are strange.”
    The redhead reached inside his pocket and withdrew a folded
but laminated paper. He had bright-green eyes that Lynn couldn’t look away from
as he slowly approached her. “We are leprechauns from Ireland. See? That is why
you might think we are different from you. We have traveled here to go camping
and find our friend. He is lost in the woods.” He held out the paper.
    Lynn had to lock her knees. Are they kidding?
Leprechauns? Her mind was struggling to make sense of it. She stared at the
man and stayed totally mute. One of the guys frowned at her, inching closer to
    “She does not seem convinced.”
    “Here.” Gar shoved the paper at her.
    Lynn looked down. It was an ad she’d seen posted in town
some months before. It was for an Irish pub celebrating St. Patrick’s Day. It
had probably been ripped down and the wind had carried it into the woods. A
picture of a cartoon character grinned at her from the center of it, and it
stated that the leprechauns had come all the way from Ireland. The leprechaun
in the ad had long red hair, sported a green outfit, and held a pint of ale.
She lifted her chin, staring at Gar in utter shock.
    He touched his red hair. “See? It is a bad image but that is
what we are. Ireland is far. We are not wearing our native garments since we
are on vacation. That must be the reason for your confusion.”
    They think I’m an idiot. They expect me to believe that
bullshit. Finally it all sank in. They are aliens. They have to be. It would explain their slightly weird faces, the way they growl-spoke their
words, and their translator was something right out of a science-fiction movie. Aliens. Oh god.
    “We like beer and bring good luck.” Gar pointed at a few
lines at the bottom of the ad. “It states it right here. Leprechauns. Say
something, woman.”
    She swallowed hard, terrified. They obviously didn’t want
her to know the truth. They might kill her if she didn’t play along. “You’re
much taller and bigger than I imagined.”
    “We are,” Coto said, drawing her attention.
    He held her against his body and she was too terrified to
move away. “I’ve never met your kind in person before. So you’re here to go
camping, huh?”
    Coto lowered his chin, gazing at her through thick eyelashes
with those utterly beautiful bright-blue eyes of his. “Yes and we lost
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