
alieicanlivewith Read Online Free PDF

Book: alieicanlivewith Read Online Free PDF
Author: Eden Winters
chairs surrounded each long table, he and Garret where the only two people seated at that particular one. They sat side by side. A shimmering haze rose from the grill before them.
    "Do you like sushi?" Garret asked.
    Otis confessed, "I've never been brave enough to try it."
    Garret's lips pulled back in a smile. Otis really loved Garret's smile. "You don't have to if you don't want to, but I can order an appetizer, if you'd like."
    "Getting to know you means knowing what you like.
    Order for me, I'm game." Otis put on his best brave face.
    Otis had no idea what Garret told the waiter, but a few moments later a rectangular platter sat on the table between then, adorned with artfully arranged, colorful bits.
    "That's sashimi," Garret said, pointing to the unrecognizable lumps nearest Otis. Determined to a least give it a try, Otis popped one into his mouth.
    Hmmmm. Chewy, but not too bad. "You might find the California roll more to your liking."
    Garret demonstrated proper technique by placing a sliver of what looked like thick, flesh-colored paper on a colorful circle, adding a touch of green paste. "Ginger and wasabi," he explained. With skill Otis couldn't duplicate with chopsticks, Garret placed the bit into his mouth, humming appreciatively.
    Otis mimicked him, using fingers instead of
    chopsticks. His nostrils ignited at the first bite. He let A Lie I Can Live With - 31
    out a choking cough, his eyes watering. Oh dear Lord!
    What is this stuff? He bravely kept on chewing, chasing the morsel down with a glass of water and fanning his face with his hand.
    "Oh, man! I'm so sorry!" Garret appeared absolutely horrified. "You've never had wasabi before, have you?"
    So much for pretending to be suave and
    sophisticated. Once his tongue and sinuses stopped burning, Otis confessed, "I've not eaten a lot of Japanese food before." The genuine concern in Garret's eyes tugged at Otis' heart, and he managed a wry smile. "I'm okay. It caught me off guard is all." He tried another piece, adding less green paste. Not bad, not bad at all.
    Garret watched him closely for a while, but no further food mishaps occurred. Eventually he relaxed enough to resume conversation. "What's your favorite movie?" Garret smeared enough wasabi on a piece of seaweed-wrapped roll to make Otis' eyes water again just from watching.
    "Too many to count," Otis replied, adding about half the amount of wasabi on his own slice and still feeling his nostrils burn while chewing. It wasn't a bad feeling, though. Just different.
    "Me, too! I love movies!" Garret passed over the small bowl holding the flesh-colored slivers. "When eating sushi, always follow it with ginger," he cautioned.
    Seeing Garret's stern expression, Otis didn't feel it necessary to ask why. He'd Google it later.
    "Classics or remakes?" Garret asked.
    "Depends on the movie. The new Batmans rock, though I don't think anyone could ever top the original Rocky Horror Picture Show ."
    "You like that too? Oh man!" Together they sang off key, "Let's do the Time Warp again!" dissolving into laughter at a waiter's amusing guffaw.
    A Lie I Can Live With - 32
    Once the mirth died, Garret asked, "As a kid, what'd you wanna be when you grew up?"
    "Besides Dr. Frank-N-Furter, you mean?" Otis grinned so hard his cheeks ached. Reining in the humor, he replied seriously, "A fireman."
    "Really? Me, too…"
    Their conversation faded when more people joined them at the table, eyes riveted on the shrimp and egg juggling cook who made a show of preparing their entrée.
    After one of the best meals he'd ever had -- but that he couldn't pronounce -- Otis felt certain that Garret would ask him home. Instead, Garret dropped Otis off at his house. "Good night," he said with a bashful smile.
    "Do it again sometime? You pick the restaurant?"
    What? No goodnight kiss? Otis wanted to ask. He nodded and bit his tongue. Even without ending the date naked, he couldn't recall a more pleasant evening. Still, it looked like he'd get
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