t was time she gave him a refresher course on social etiquette and a remind er about respect . “ I’m not in any danger from Bruno, but I thank you for your concern, I’ll be inside shortly, okay s on ?”
Alfonzo’s face flushed angrily. He would not offend his mother or speak his thoughts. He relaxed his muscles and walked to her and kissed the side of her face closest to Bruno. As he did so he glared menacingly at the overly-confident Bruno .
The warning was not lost on Bruno and he frowned at Alfonzo’s quiet threat. Alfonzo was very protective of his mother, as he should be, Maria was very attractive . Yet , when he wanted something, he went after it, threats were never a deterrent. He usually got what he wanted. Bruno’s eyes twinkled in amusement once Alfonzo exited, “Intense isn’t he?”
“Aye, sí!”
“ I will be in the states on business, perhaps we can get together over dinner when I’m there. ”
“Dinner … Bruno…I…don’t know…I may still be in Puerto Rico. ”
“ I can go there. ”
“ To Puerto Rico for a date? ”
Bruno reached in his breast pocket for his cell , “ Yes, if that’ s where you will be.” His eyes went to the device, “The number please.”
Maria was taken aback by his persistence, “ You’re going to come to Bayamón to have dinner with me?”
“ Does it surprise you?”
“Well, yes . ”
The lopsided grin came, “Ah, bella then you are easily surprised. The number, por favore ? ”
The sleeping arrangements were made. Ari, Nico and the boys were staying as guests of Bianca’s in the spacious villa. The Diaz’ were bunking at Sophie’s. That was the plan, until Sal decided he wanted to hang with his cousins the moment they were ready to depart.
Alfonzo stood in the foyer of the widow’s home , eyeing the boy, “Sal, you’re coming with your mom and me.” Sal gave an impressive puppy-dog expression in a silent plea to stay and Alfonzo didn’t budge, “Not working. Do you see a dog in our house, nino?”
Sal pout and retorted , “ Aw come on dad, pleeeeaase!”
Alfonzo cast a glance at Selange who waited near the door holding Allie’s hand , with a ‘hey it’s your call’ expression. She wasn’t any help .
Then Giuseppe emerged from the living-room with the woman Geovonna smiling adoringly up at him and each click of those sparkly stilettos indicated a step closer to what Alfonzo suspected was a night of debauchery . His eyebrow pointed skyward, wondering when his cousin planned to mention the damage to his bed.
“ Buena notte, cugino. I need sleep.” Giuseppe announced. He halt behind Sal who continued to make imploring faces.
“Good night, Geo.”
Geovonna removed lipstick from her purse and applied another coat to an already glossy mouth ; p uckered then smiled, “Yes, buena notte, Don Alfonzo. It was so nice to have met you.” She bent low and gave Sal a loud smack on his cheek leaving a red imprint . “And you as well bello.”
Sal beamed. The boy loved busty women, Alfonzo could tell. “Good-night Geovonna,” he blushed staring at her and Alfonzo shook his head.
“Come on Sal, time to go.”
“But dad, I’ll behave. I promise.”
Giuseppe came to Sal’s aid, “What is the matter Salvatore, you can tell Uncle Geo?”
Alfonzo cut Giuseppe a look for interfering which went ignored.
“I want to spend the night here like the other kids and dad says no.”
Giuseppe frown ed, “Your father is a cazzo. Uncle Geo says you can stay. I will handle your father.”
“Geo I’m standing right here.”
“ I have heard it takes a village to raise children and it is true. I am the village elder and I say the boy stays. Shame on you cugino!” Then he slapped Alfonzo upside the head and grinned. “Go make more babies with the boy’s mother,” he glanced over at Selange near the door and waved,