After Sundown

After Sundown Read Online Free PDF

Book: After Sundown Read Online Free PDF
Author: Anna J. McIntyre
that moment , Cole vowed to himself, he would finish what they started on the edge of the After Sundown's dance floor.
    "I can' t, Kit. Something happened between us. I can't ignore it. I don't want to."
    "I want to forget i t, Mr. Taylor. I'm very embarrassed over the entire episode. Please leave me alone." Never once did Kit look directly at Cole. Her eyes fast ened on the delicate hands folded in her lap, their fingers fidgeting nervously.
    "My name's Cole. Can't you call me Cole? Considering what has happened between us, last names are a little ridiculous , " h is voice held a gentle teasing tone.
    "Since I don't plan to ever see you again, it doesn't matter what I call you. Now please leave me alone."
    "I can't. Do you really plan to forget what happened between us?"
    "Nothing is between u s, Mr. Taylor. Nothing." Kit could feel Cole's breath on her neck as he spoke. She could smell his spicy aftershave.
    "Tell m e, Kit, do you frequently climax with your dance partner in a public place ? "
    “ Oh my God , " Kit moaned, burying her face in her palms. She wanted to disappear.
    "Something sparked between us Kit Landon. Something hot and explosive. I'm sorry I scared you in your kitchen. You might say I was a bit r aw from our previous encounter. "
    "Mr. Taylor, as I said before, I am very embarrassed . " Kit's face was still buried in her palms. "The only thing that happened was that I was thrown completely off guard when you dragged me onto the dance floor. To be perfectly honest, it's been quite a long time since I've been with a man," she swallowed nervously and lifted her eyes to his , "and I guess my body reacted ... unexpectedly."
    "I don't mean to scare you," his voice was low and seductive, his dark gaze locked with hers. "But I want to finish what we started. I think you want it too." His hand reached up and traced the outline of her face with his fingertips. "You're wound tighter than a top, Kit. We'd be good together. Damn good." Abruptl y, he stood up and looked down into her face. "But we'll take it slow."
    "You aren't listening to me. I want nothing to do with you."
    "It'll be hard avoiding me. After all, you'll be watching my daughter."
    "Excuse me?" Kit blinked in confusion and looked up into Cole's ebony eyes.
    "Don't be ridiculous, I can't watch your daughter now."
    "I'll be picking her up at six thirty ." He continued to ignore her refusal. "I need to get back to work. I'll see you tonight." Before he walked away , his f in ger tips brushed her lips in a feather - like caress , before reaching into his pocket and pul ling out an envelope. He tossed it in her lap and gave her a little nod, before walking away .
    Startled by his action, Kit looked up and watched Cole walk toward the parking lot. Reluctantl y, she opened the envelope. Inside was a slip of paper listing all the vital information for his daughter, a letter for Kit to use in case of an emergency and a check for one week’s daycare, which was more than what she expected to receive for one month.

    Chapter Six
    Standing alone on the street co rner , waiting for the arrival of Sarah's school bus, Kit replayed the morn ing ’s events in her head. Cole couldn’t be serious about her watching his daughter, she told herself. Yet, she was certain he was serious about getting her into bed .
    Kit watched as the yellow school bus pulled around the corner, drove down the street and stopped a few feet from where she stood on the sidewalk . When the door of the bus opened , Kit was surprised to see not one, but two little girls exit. The first girl to step onto the sidewalk was the taller of the two, with a head of blonde silky curls and a figure as thin as a starving waif, which onl y accented the size of her enormous blue eyes.
    "Mommy!" t he fair child beamed , barely able to contain her excitement , " L ook who's with me!" F ollowing Sara h off the bus was a sturdy little girl with long brown hair , pulled into two pony tails , dimpled
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