About Sisterland

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Book: About Sisterland Read Online Free PDF
Author: Martina Devlin
Tags: Fantasy, Women's Fiction, Literary Fiction
yourself. Something that will distance you from Silence’s taint. Babyfusion! It’s time to offer yourself as a source.” As an afterthought, she tacked on, “If you’re willing.”
    Constance was surprised. “I’m two years below the minimum age to apply for a licence. Wouldn’t it be against the rules?”
    “Rules can be suspended.” The mother’s tone was careless. “In exceptional circumstances, I mean.”
    Beloved’s Pearls taught that everyone was subject to the same set of rules – even the Nine.
    Forgetting herself, Constance raised her eyes to stare.
    The winning smile sprang open. “Our plan has symmetry, you see. Your baby will replace the life your other was carrying.”
    “Yes, mother.”
    “Splendid. Your mating licence will be fast-tracked.”
    Fast-tracking: another suspension of the rules. The mother gave a tiny shrug.
    Constance bowed, preparing to withdraw.
    The Shaper Mother held up a hand, palm outward. “Coincidentally, sweet child, I can tell you’re ovulating. Go to matingplace tonight.”
    “But the licence won’t be through by then, surely? Even if it’s speeded up?”
    “I have discretion to award a temporary permit – Modesty should have uploaded it to your sig by now. See? There it is already.”
    Constance’s gaze flew to her sig. The pinkification of the φ φ symbol had happened already, changing from black to a disturbingly insistent shade of pink. It was official. She was licensed to attempt babyfusion. But she wasn’t ready! “I haven’t been briefed on mating, mother. I’m not sure what to do.”
    “The Mating Board runs regular seminars. Ask Modesty for a list of them.”
    “But you said to go tonight. There won’t be time. Shouldn’t I wait until after my briefing?”
    The Shaper Mother frowned. “Why delay? What happens during mating is somewhat humiliating, I admit. But the end is what counts. Not the process. The Mating Board has compiled a fact file – we’ll have that sent through to your comtel. Modesty will take care of it. And if you’re still unclear on anything, ask the Mating Mother. She’ll answer any questions before you mate.” The Shaper Mother stood. “Babyfuse quickly, if you can. It’s the ultimate act of sisterdom.” In benediction, she laid both hands on top of Constance’s head. “Know that Sisterland cherishes you, Constance. Always, at all times, we want what’s best for you.”
    The door curled open, and Constance stumbled towards it.
    Modesty was waiting on the other side. “Your mating permit’s been uploaded. Some people have all the luck.”
    “I don’t suppose there’s time for me to squeeze in one of those Mating Board seminars?”
    “No, I checked already. There won’t be another session till Friday. But I’ve sent you its handout. Helpful Hints for Himtime .” Modesty winked. “Informative little guide.”
    Constance tapped her comtel, and a header with the Mating Board’s sleeping baby logo appeared.
    Congratulations, sister! she read.
    She skimmed the screen on to the next page.
    You’ve been selected to attempt babyfusion!
    Sisterland is proud of you!
    She flicked forward.
    It requires Himtime duties.
    Below, you’ll find diagrams. These can be linked to your entscreen for moving pictures. First, a list of frequently asked questions.
    Again, Constance moved the screen.
    Will it hurt?
    Some discomfort can be expected the first time, but you will be given a medicinal drink to minimise it.
    Will I bleed?
    The drink prevents bleeding.
    Constance kept scrolling.
    Who chooses the man?
    The Mating Mother.
    Can a woman refuse a man?
    Of course.
    She looked up, to find Modesty watching her. “Himtime! It sounds so masculine!”
    “Don’t worry, Constance, the mating urge will take over.”
    “The mating urge?”
    “It’s all in there. Just keep reading.”
    “I still don’t understand why the mother wants me to do this. I haven’t been sent for vetting – either physical or psychological.”
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