A Wrongful Drift (Seagrove 8)

A Wrongful Drift (Seagrove 8) Read Online Free PDF

Book: A Wrongful Drift (Seagrove 8) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Leona Fox
girl sat down on the walkway to say hello to the terrier. He was a small dog, but the young woman was slight and he was able to put his paws on her shoulders and lick her face. Secretly, Sadie hoped this wasn't Samantha because she clearly had Mr. Bradshaw's stamp of approval.
    "Do you know Samantha Vitt?" Sadie asked. "I'd like to talk to her."
    "I'm Sam." She picked up Mr. B and held him under one arm while she tickled him under the chin. He made growly noises of approval.
    "Wow," Lucy said. "Mr. Bradshaw sure likes you."
    "I love dogs," Sam said. "I can't have one here, the landlady is an old cow. But I will when I graduate."
    "What's your degree?" Lucy asked.
    "I'm going to be a vet," Sam said. "After Seagrove, I'm going to apply to Albany. They have a great veterinary school there."
    "You won't have trouble creating a rapport with your patients," Sadie said, as Mr. B started to wriggle.
    "Here, I'll take him back." She liberated Mr. Bradshaw from Samantha and set him on the ground to sniff around her feet.
    "What did you want to ask me about?" Sam asked.
    "Sylvia Jones," Sadie said.
    "Syl Jones is vile. What did she do now? Make the pledges shave their heads? I swear she's evil." Sam's face turned hard.
    "She's dead," Sadie said, watching Sam's features closely. "She was murdered."
    "You're kidding," Sam said. "No one would dare murder that cow."
    "No, I'm not. I was there when she was found."
    "I guess there is justice in the world after all," Sam said, lifting a shoulder. "She should have been nicer to people."
    Sadie couldn't hide the shock on her face and Lucy looked like she smelled something rotten.
    "What?" Samantha said. "You want me to lie and say how sorry I am? I'm not a liar, and she was not a nice person. She enjoyed humiliating other people. People like that are bound to make enemies."
    "How come you haven't heard about her death?" Lucy asked. "It's been all over the news."
    "I've been in Mexico for the last four weeks. Just got home last night."
    Mr. Bradshaw was right, Sadie thought. Sam wasn't a murderer. At least, she didn't murder Sylvia.
    "What were you doing in Mexico?" Lucy asked.
    "The oil spill. A few of us finished the semester early so we could join the cleanup crew. We were saving sea life and birds. At least, that's what we thought, but when we got down there, we found dogs and cats that were affected, and livestock. And when that was done there was a herd of horses that were starving and we had to do something about that before we could come back. It was grueling, but I think we did a lot of good. I wasn’t around to murder Syl. But if I'd met up with the owner of the tanker that spilled the crude, I would have gladly murdered him."
    "The very rich are certainly becoming infamous," Sadie said. "So many seemed to be greedy and so few generous. I'm glad you were able to help in Mexico."
    "And it gave me an alibi for the murder of my archnemesis," Sam said. "So I win twice."
    "I guess so," Sadie said. "Lucky you. A word of caution, you live very close to a house full of distraught women who don't believe Sylvia deserved to die. I'd keep my sentiments about her to myself if I were you."
    "I won't lie about how I feel," Sam said, straightening her back.
    "I'm not asking you to lie," Sadie said. "Just to have some compassion for the people who feel differently about her than you do. I'd hate for you to get hurt in the backlash. And I don’t think they deserve to have their feelings belittled."
    "I take your point. I'll be circumspect," Sam said. "You can bring Mr. Bradshaw over to visit me any time. He's got spunk."
    "Yes, he does. I'm glad you like him." They said their goodbyes and got back in the car.
    "Breadcrumbs," Lucy said as they headed back down the hill. "We seem to have run out."
    "I know," Sadie said, glancing from the road to Lucy's face. "We’ve reached a dead end."
    "What do we do now?"
    "My plan is to see what I can get out of Zack, and then return to the sorority if I can't get
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