“I should….”
“Close your eyes and rest. That’s what you need. Everything else will wait until morning,” Ryan said very softly as he rolled onto his side and gently curled to Dante’s back. With the lights out and the room quiet, Dante shivered and then began to shake. If he felt it, Ryan didn’t say anything, but he did hold him a little closer, and only then did Dante risk wiping the moisture that ran down his cheeks.
D ANTE dozed off a few times, but otherwise spent time listening to Ryan’s soft snores. He half expected the other man, Jacky, he thought his name was, to come in, but no one disturbed them. Eventually, Ryan rolled over and away from him, and Dante figured this was his chance. He had to get out of here. There was no way in hell he could face Ryan in the harsh light of day. Not with the way he’d completely come apart in Ryan’s arms. Fuck, he’d actually cried, for Christ’s sake. How on earth could he handle that in the morning over coffee or something? No fucking way. As he thought about what they’d done and how it had felt, he felt his eyes begin to water again, and he wouldn’t let anyone see him that way.
He carefully lifted the covers and slowly got out of the bed, making sure he made no quick or jarring movements. Ryan continued his soft snoring without interruption. Once Dante had put the covers back in place, he hurried to the bathroom to retrieve his clothes, thankful he wouldn’t have to try to hunt them up from the floor. Dante silently closed the door and felt his way into his clothes. Once dressed, Dante opened the bathroom door and quietly made his way toward his escape.
“Didn’t anyone teach you any manners?” Ryan asked groggily from the bed, and Dante stopped in his tracks, swallowing hard. There was no way he could explain why he was leaving and keep his dignity intact. He’d completely come apart for Ryan and… Dante shook his head and slowly moved back toward the bed.
“I didn’t want to wake you, but I have to go,” Dante whispered without providing any explanation. Ryan sat up, the white bedding slipping away from his chest.
“I understand,” Ryan told him with a soft sigh, and the thought that he might really understand and see what was bothering Dante scared him half to death. Why was it this guy seemed to see inside him? All he could think was that he had to get out, away, and back to the familiar, back to where he was in charge. Ryan reached for him, and Dante went without thinking and was engulfed in a warm hug. “I hope you find what it is you’re looking for and what you need.” Ryan then kissed him, and Dante felt Ryan stroke along his cheek with his thumb. Dante pulled away and swallowed hard as he hurried toward the door. “Good-bye, Dante,” Ryan said as Dante opened the door.
He paused, the light from the hall spilling into the room. He actually considered walking back into that hotel room, but couldn’t bring himself to do it. Dante knew who he was: a bull rider and one of the toughest guys out there. He could take whatever life dished out, no matter what. Hell, he’d already been through hell more than once and come through it alive. But the thought of what Ryan represented scared the shit out of him. A stranger, a perfect fucking stranger, had not only gotten through his defenses, he’d acted like they weren’t there at all.
Dante slowly walked down the hotel hallway to the elevator and pushed the button. As he waited, he turned around, looking back toward Ryan’s door. Part of him hoped Ryan would come out, hurry down the hall, and lead him back.
The hallway remained still, and the elevator dinged as it reached the floor and the doors silently slid open. Dante stepped inside and pushed the button for the ground floor. The doors slid closed and the car began to descend. Dante closed his eyes and leaned against the wall, breathing deeply and steadily, trying to catch his breath, but he couldn’t seem to. Once he