A Wicked Kiss

A Wicked Kiss Read Online Free PDF

Book: A Wicked Kiss Read Online Free PDF
Author: M. S. Parker
Tags: Romance
them would’ve risked their parents’ wrath by talking bad about Allen.
    But if it wasn’t the Lockwoods, who could it be? Allen hadn’t had any enemies. Even the competition in the wine industry had been friendly. And if there had been someone who’d wanted to hurt Allen or tarnish his reputation, why now? Why hadn’t they done it while he’d been alive, or right after he’d died? Why four months later?
    I shifted uneasily. I knew there were workers stationed around the vineyard keeping an eye on things, and that I had a state-of-the-art alarm system, but I still had the sudden and overwhelming feeling that I wasn’t safe in my own house.
    I reached for my cell phone, needing to hear his voice. I needed to feel safe and he was the one who did that.
    My finger hovered over his name for a moment before I set down the phone. I couldn’t call Jasper every time I got a bit spooked. Yes, I felt better when he was here but things were already moving so fast between us. I didn’t want to ruin what we had by pushing things even faster.
    I gritted my teeth and forced myself to my feet. I could do this by myself. I would do this by myself.
    My resolve lasted until the next night when, at nearly midnight, the phone rang again. I’d been up finishing a few papers and could hear the answering machine from where I was sitting.
    “I know you don’t want to hear this, Mrs. Lockwood, but your precious Allen was a liar and a cheat. He used people and discarded them. Maybe you knew that. Maybe you just turned a blind eye to how he treated people. Or maybe you liked it. Did you? Did you like watching him treat people like shit?”
    The voice was still rough, but the longer he or she spoke, the louder they got.
    “Did it get you off? Do you fantasize about it? Touching yourself when you think about him walking all over people to get what he wanted?”
    I picked up my phone, my hands shaking as the caller kept going. I wanted Jasper with me so badly, but I couldn’t do that. There was someone else I could call though. Someone who’d drop everything to help me.
    “Shae?” Mitchell’s voice was thick with sleep. “What’s wrong?”
    “I need you to come over.” I wrapped my arm around my middle as I began to shake. The machine had finally cut off the call, but the words were still echoing in my head. “Please, Mitchell. I can’t stay here alone.”
    “I’m on my way.”

Chapter 5
    Mitchell went with me the next morning when I took the answering machine and the letter to the police station before school. He wasn’t as big or formidable as Jasper, but he was my big brother. The same one who’d looked after me all my life. The one who’d made it virtually impossible to date. Even when he was at his most annoying and overprotective, he’d always had my best interest at heart.
    Not surprisingly, my favorite detectives took down all the information and promised to look into it even as they were turning away. For a moment, I saw Mitchell’s temper flash across his blue-green eyes, and I put a hand on his arm. He collected himself and followed me out, but not without first telling the detectives that if anything happened to me while they were sitting on their asses, he’d make sure they lost their jobs.
    While I appreciated the sentiment, I couldn’t help but wonder if Mitchell had just made things even more difficult for me with the police. Still, he promised that he’d stay until the cops caught whoever was doing this or the calls stopped, and that made me feel better.
    By the end of the week, I was thankful Mitchell had stayed. Friday night, I got another call. He picked up the phone and went off on the person on the other end, or at least he tried to. They hung up as soon as they heard his voice. On Saturday, I met Jasper for lunch and when I got home, there was another letter. Mitchell took that one straight to the police station and spent nearly an hour there making threats about what he would do if
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