A Touch of Summer

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Book: A Touch of Summer Read Online Free PDF
Author: Evie Hunter
looked nasty.
    If the circumstances had been different, if he weren’t her bodyguard, she would have liked to get to know him better. Summer stopped. Where had that come from? She didn’t do dating any more. She was not a romance and love kind of girl. She liked it bright, breezy and with no serious involvement. But Flynn would never let a woman away with that. He would own her. Body and soul.
    'Well, are you going to use that kit? Do you even know how?'
    Summer considered taping his mouth up. It was tempting. 'I have done first aid, you know.'
    Flynn leaned against a low stone wall while she tended to his face, cleaning the wounds and dabbing at his cuts. This close, in bright daylight, she noticed that he had other scars - a pale white line, almost hidden by his brow, and another close to his hairline. His bare chest had a dusting of dark body hair and rock-hard abs. And more scars. One nasty one on his upper arm looked like it was from a bullet. Flynn Grant was a dangerous man.
    'You’re staring. Are you usually so attentive to your patients?'
    'No …' She flushed. 'It’s just that you have a lot of scars.'
    He shrugged. 'There have been a lot of people who don’t like me.'
    Summer finished putting a strip of plaster over a cut on his cheekbone. 'I can’t imagine why when you’re always so charming.'
    He laughed. 'That’s not how a nurse is supposed to talk to a patient.'
    'Really? Well, you can go find yourself another nurse. A big hairy sweaty one.'
    Flynn wrapped his hand around her wrist. 'Temper, temper. You might find yourself over my knee again. You’re already walking on thin ice over that business with Hall. Maybe you need a little reminder about which of us is in charge?'
    Summer looked around her. Although most of the men were up at the games area, there were still quite a few around. He couldn’t possibly mean it. He wouldn’t spank her out here where everyone could see. She would be the laughing stock of the island. 'You wouldn’t dare.'
    His eyes narrowed dangerously. 'Try me. I told you to stay away from Hall and you disobeyed me. I also warned you there would be consequences.'
    His grip on her wrist was mercilessly tight. Flynn would do it. He really would. Summer looked around her. She couldn’t let him spank her here, with people looking on. Panicking, she pushed him. Caught by surprised, Flynn pitched backwards, landing on his back in a patch of nettles.
    She covered her mouth in horror as she watched him struggle to his feet, his back already breaking into tiny blisters from the stings.
    Flynn’s expression as he struggled to his feet promised retribution. 'You vicious little—'
    She turned and fled before he could catch her, and ran straight into Niall. He glanced from her to Flynn and back again. 'Did anyone ever tell you that you’re a magnet for trouble? Come on. The next game is about to start.'
    She glanced over her shoulder as she followed Niall. Flynn was twisting to rub a dock leave over his back and his scowl promised consequences. Let him try.
    The next game was Giant Fighting. Summer had no idea what to expect, but half the men were busy wrapping their hands and gloving up. She was surprised to see Reilly was doing it too. Surely the slender Ranger couldn’t be planning to box against the bigger men out there? Then she remembered what Reilly had told her about the Ranger’s brutal selection process and training.
    Niall boosted Reilly up on his shoulders and she settled herself. 'Comfortable?' he asked.
    'Yes, sir.'
    Flynn glared at Summer. 'Stay out of trouble.' He turned away and boosted Andy onto his shoulders. In spite of his recent encounter with the bag of chains and the nettles, the movement was smooth and graceful.
    It wasn’t fair. There was a smorgasbord of stunning men here, some of the best booking guys she’d ever seen, even at Hollywood red carpet events, but somehow, she couldn’t take her eyes off Flynn Grant.
    What was it about him? True, he was gorgeous
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