A Touch of Greed
    Now he touched the screen on his phone and cringed when he saw the two word message.
    Nick’s face flushed as he leaned back and shut his eyes before anyone could detect the episode he was having. He felt the outside of his empty pocket and realized he’d forgotten to take his PTSD meds for the day. He practiced his breathing exercises and gained control of his emotions. As his heart pounded, he gathered his thoughts, trying to grasp just what had gone wrong. Ricky and Jim were supposed to be picking up a client of Antonio Garza’s at the makeshift runway when they were ambushed by Garza’s men. Both FBI agent’s were exceptionally talented and couldn’t possibly have tipped Garza with their actions. Someone had to set them up. And Nick was convinced it was someone in the room with him right then.
    When Nick came upright again, the three Border Patrol agents looked as if they were getting sick listening to Decker explain the understandable consequences of dealing with nasty people. The scolding was a bit tame for Nick’s taste.
    “Roger,” Nick said. “Why don’t you run out and grab a sandwich.”
    Decker seemed annoyed at Nick’s patronization, but he must’ve seen the burning hostility brewing in Nick’s eyes because he retreated with a simple nod and was out the door.
    Matt shut the door behind him while Nick gestured to Stevie to get ready. The FBI techie took a flat stick from his duffle bag and began pushing buttons on the stick. The three Border Patrol agents kept an eye on what Stevie was doing until Nick snapped his fingers and said, “Over here. I need your attention on me.”
    As they returned their attention to Nick, Stevie waved the flat wand behind the men, slowly working up and down their bodies.
    Nick gestured to the desk in front of him. “Please place your cell phones on the desk.”
    The three agents did as they were told.
    Stevie worked his wand meticulously until he stood behind the agent to Nick’s left and nodded.
    Nick looked at the other two agents and said, “Get out of here.”
    The men looked bewildered, but didn’t hesitate at their good fortune. They gathered their cell phones and moved. Just before they left, Nick said, “Don’t leave the building until I say you can.”
    Matt closed the door behind them and took the vacant seat two chairs away from the remaining agent. He glowered at the agent. Intimidation was half the battle.
    “What’s your name?” Nick asked.
    “Greg Chapin.”
    The way Chapin fidgeted convinced Nick he had the right guy.
    Nick pointed to the front of his desk at Chapin’s cell phone. “Now let’s see your other one.”
    Chapin seemed confused. “My other one?”
    “Your other cell phone,” Nick explained. “The one you kept in your pocket when I asked for your cell phones.”
    Chapin hesitated too long. It seemed he was trying to decide how Nick could’ve known about the phone, or how much it mattered that he withheld the device. He looked at Matt who sat stone-faced, chewing on a piece of gum.
    “What makes you think I have another cell phone?” Chapin asked, being somewhat evasive and putting the burden of proof on Nick.
    Nick wasn’t in the mood for playing games. Not now. He leaned forward and glared at the agent. “Put the damn phone on my desk or I’ll have my partner rip your clothes off.”
    Chapin turned to see Matt cross his legs. He offered a menacing grin.
    Chapin reluctantly pulled a cell phone from the inside of his jacket pocket and placed it on the desk.
    Nick grabbed the phone and tossed it to Stevie, who began to play with it.
    Chapin paid too much attention to Stevie which added to Nick’s suspicions.
    “Why the extra phone?” Nick asked.
    “I don’t want my government to hear every conversation I have with my family,” Chapin said with a rehearsed tone.
    Nick nodded. “I see.” He looked at Matt. “How many phones do you have?”
    Matt held up his index finger.
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