A Touch of Confidence

A Touch of Confidence Read Online Free PDF

Book: A Touch of Confidence Read Online Free PDF
Author: Jess Dee
offices are?”
    “Yes. Your grandfather gave me the address.”
    “Then I guess I’ll see you tomorrow.”
    She nodded. “Eleven o’clock.”
    “You should know something, Miss Jones.”
    She raised her brow in question.
    “This isn’t over between us. You might deny what just happened. I can’t.”

Chapter Three
    Overwhelming relief was Jack’s first experience as he walked into his grandfather’s hospital room.
    The man’s pallor had improved. His cheeks were rosy, and he sat up in bed, resting against three or four pillows. Even the drip attached to Big Jack’s left arm couldn’t detract from his grandson’s relief. He was no doctor, but the change was obvious. The man was better.
    A thousand kilograms lifted from Jack’s shoulders. Seeing his pop like this did more for him than a cup — or even a pot — of tea ever could.
    He couldn’t explain how it all happened, or why, but Claire had eased his worries. Something about her presence had taken away the horror of the previous night, of realizing his grandfather might die. Her calm had soothed his shock.
    And her kiss had blown his mind, but that was another story altogether.
    The second she’d left the shop, however, he’d jumped into his car and headed straight to the hospital, needing to see Big Jack.
    Now, as he stood admiring his grandfather’s color, he couldn’t help but think that it might not be too long before they took the boat out again.
    Pop welcomed him with a smile, and Jack hugged him hello, kissing him on the cheek, aware of the papery texture of his skin. While the old man might be better, he was still old, and more fragile than Jack had realized. Jack had just kind of assumed he’d live forever. Stupid really, but when a boy idolized someone the way Jack had always idolized Big Jack, thoughts of death and mortality just never came up.
    “Your father just left. You missed him by a couple of minutes.”
    “That’s okay. I didn’t come to see him. I came for you. How are you feeling?”
    Big Jack looked down at his chest as though assessing it. “I don’t think I’ll be running any marathons in the near future, but otherwise okay.” His voice was soft and wispy.
    “I brought you some magazines to read.” He laid the pile on the hospital cabinet beside the bed.
    His pop looked disappointed. “No food?”
    “I have no idea what you’re allowed, or if you’re even allowed to eat, so no. No food.”
    Big Jack huffed . “I could use a Big Mac and chips.”
    Jack snorted. “Pop, you’ve just had a heart attack from clogged arteries. Your burger days are over.”
    “Might as well kill me now if I can’t have another Big Mac,” the old man grumbled. “I’m holding out for chips as well.”
    “Tell you what. Get through the surgery okay, and I’ll treat you to a Big Mac meal and a McFlurry afterwards.” Anyone who craved Macca’s had to be feeling better.
    “You have a deal, my boy. Now tell me what’s happening at my office.”
    Jack frowned.
    “That bad, huh?”
    “Jacky, come on, you’re a teacher. You guide teenagers every day of your life. How hard can it be to run a one-man property management business? Compared to school, it’s a party.”
    “I get kids, Pop. I understand them. I like them.” All of them — even the princesses, the troublemakers, the geeky nerds and the arrogant jocks.
    He didn’t just like them, he loved them. Loved his work. Came home at the end of every day with a sense of accomplishment, a knowledge that he’d found his life’s purpose.
    Unfortunately, it was the getting home that always knocked the wind out of his sails. Because how could one enjoy one’s life’s purpose when one’s salary didn’t even allow one to own a home? Or a new car, maybe with leather upholstery?
    God help him if he ever settled down and started a family. The expense would be financially crippling.
    Working with his pop, however, and earning decent money could open up his life to all
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