A Talent for Trouble
especially if you let it be known you’ve decided to be Clara for the day,” Ruth muttered.
    Felicia looked at her mother, lifted her chin even higher, stepped closer to him, and grabbed his arm. “We should probably be on our way. I would hate to be late for tea.” With that, she prodded him toward the front door, barely waiting for the butler to open it before she pulled him through it.
    Their progress came to an abrupt halt when three gentlemen, all of them bearing a marked resemblance to Felicia, ambled up the steps and blocked their way. He heard what sounded like a sigh escape her lips.
    â€œOn my word, Felicia, you’re looking a bit frightful,” Jeffrey Murdock, the oldest of the clan, exclaimed. “Are you aware that you’re dressed in black?”
    Felicia’s grip on Grayson’s arm tightened. “Don’t be ridiculous. Of course I’m aware of what I’m wearing, Jeffrey. And I’ll thank you to not call me Felicia.”
    Confusion immediately clouded Jeffrey’s eyes. “What, pray tell, would you have me call you, then?”
    Jeffrey simply stared at her for a moment with his mouth somewhat slack before he turned to Grayson. “Am I allowed to call you Grayson, or have you assumed a new identity as well?”
    â€œHe’s Frank,” Felicia supplied before Grayson could get a word out of his mouth.
    â€œForgive me, Felicia, but I don’t recall agreeing to change my name to Frank, even for just today,” Grayson said.
    â€œDid you or did you not promise your sister you were going to charm me?”
    â€œWell, yes, but that agreement had nothing to do with assuming a new identity.”
    Her eyes began to sparkle in a slightly mischievous way, causing him to completely lose his train of thought.
    â€œDon’t you want to do everything in your power to charm me?”
    He suddenly found he wanted to do much more than charm her, which caused him to immediately turn from her, and move toward her brother Robert, his action causing her hand to fall away from his arm.
    â€œIt’s nice to see you again, Robert.”
    â€œAnd you as well, Grayson, but tell me, have you really agreed to charm my little sister?” Robert was regarding him somewhat warily.
    â€œIt was Eliza’s and Agatha’s idea.”
    Felicia’s third brother, Daniel, stepped forward, a huge grin on his face. “Well, that certainly fits, considering the antics of those two.” He held out his hand and Grayson shook it. “They must have figured out Felicia’s affection for Reverend Fraser and wanted to do whatever they could to cheer her up.” Daniel shuddered as he glanced at his sister and then back to Grayson.“I can’t say I envy you at the moment. Charming Felicia might be a bit of a daunting task today.”
    Grayson couldn’t say he’d argue that point, especially when all the mischief disappeared from Felicia’s eyes to be replaced with distinct irritation.
    â€œYou knew about Reverend Fraser?” she asked, moving close enough to Daniel to give him a sharp poke with her parasol.
    Daniel looked at her for a moment, reached out, and much to Grayson’s relief, snatched the parasol from her hand before he smiled. “Don’t ever do that again, and yes, we’ve known about Reverend Fraser forever.” He looked over her shoulder, and his smile widened. “Oh look, here comes Mother, and is that roast I smell coming out the door? I’m starving.”
    â€œMe too,” Robert exclaimed, and without another word, the two brothers turned, greeted Ruth with a somewhat hurried hello, and fled into the house.
    â€œCowards,” Felicia called after them.
    â€œFelicia, really, it’s not well done of you to throw insults at your own brothers,” Ruth said as she marched up to join them. “Ah, Jeffrey, this is a fortunate surprise. You can accompany
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