turned back toward a series of MRI scans posted on light boxes mounted on the wall. “According to exhibit A, you have a tumor.” He set his finger on a golf-ball-sized mass on the film. “. . . Either that or you’ve got a golf ball growing on the outside of your brain.” He turned back and looked at me. “I don’t know how much they told you in St. Louis, or, with their accents, how much you actually understood, so I’ll begin from the beginning. The twenty-four-thousand-dollar question is, ‘Is this tumor malignant or benign?’ And the answer is, I don’t know. We can’t be certain without a biopsy.” He turned back to the image, running his finger along its edge. “Meningiomas are classified by where they are located. As you can see, yours is located on the surface of the brain—it’s called a convexity meningioma. If it were located in New York, it would be called a book agent, but we’ll stick with your scenario.
“Your type of tumor often doesn’t produce symptoms until it gets big, which is, holy cow, exactly what you’ve got going on in your head. I read in the Cliff’s Notes that you’ve been suffering from headaches and dizziness—is that true?”
“Pretty much every day,” I said.
“Which is why five out of five doctors would recommend a craniotomy as the next step. The good news is that because of the tumor’s shape and location I believe we can remove it safely in a procedure called a gross total resection, which is appropriately named because it is totally gross. Trust me, you don’t want a souvenir video. The surgery will relieve the pressure on your brain, which should alleviate your symptoms. This procedure has a very high success rate and afterwards you’ll be able to continue on with your life and play the piano.”
I could tell his personality was off-putting to my father, but I liked him a lot.
“Will I need radiation or chemotherapy afterwards?” I asked.
“If the tumor’s completely resected, then there’s no need for further treatments. That’s not to say you’re forever home free. After surgery it’s best that we monitor the area with periodic MRIs. Like crazy ex-girlfriends, meningiomas have a nasty habit of coming back, so it’s best if you have annual scans throughout your life.”
“This craniotomy,” my father said. “Does it have any risks?”
“No surgery’s without risk, but in this case the risks are quite minimal. The greatest risk, though it’s about as likely as me finding true love, is stroke. Also, some neurological functions like motor strength or coordination may become impaired immediately after surgery, but in most cases those issues are resolved with time and rehabilitation.” He turned to me. “Mostly you’ll just feel really, really crappy for a while.”
“How soon could we do this?” I asked.
“The soonest we can schedule your operation is thenineteenth. Then you’ll need to plan for at least six to eight weeks of recovery time.”
“Six weeks,” I repeated. I hated the idea of that much downtime, but it could be worse. I had spent nearly five months recovering at Nicole’s house.
“Six to eight,” my father said. “At least.”
“All right,” I said. “Let’s do this thing.”
“Good,” Dr. Schlozman said. “I was hoping you’d say that. I’ve been looking at a new boat.”
The drive home from the hospital was quiet. My father was the first to speak. “That doctor was weird.”
“I looked up his credentials. He’s brilliant,” I said. “Brilliant people usually are a little weird.”
He shrugged. “Want to stop for pancakes? The IHOP is still there.”
“Love to. Let’s get pancakes.”
Sometimes it seems as if my life has been more intermission than show.
Alan Christoffersen’s diary
Nicole called the house later that afternoon. It was good to hear her voice.
“Hey, handsome. How’d your appointment go?”
“Well, I think. They’re going to operate on the