A Special Kind of Love

A Special Kind of Love Read Online Free PDF

Book: A Special Kind of Love Read Online Free PDF
Author: Tamara Hoffa
sauntered over to Sharon. He was glad to see that her posture had relaxed and
she was smiling up at her son.
you paying attention, ma’am?”
batted her lashes at him and drawled in a terrible imitation of a southern
accent. “Oh, yes, sir. I surely was.”
laughed, it appeared the woman was determined to let the incident pass and go
on to enjoy the day. Thank God, she wasn’t going to let that ass-hat ruin a
good time. Some people were such assholes. He had wanted to punch the jerk
right in the mouth, but it wouldn’t have served any purpose. Well, except to
make himself feel better.
off his own anger, he smiled at the lovely lady he was hoping to get to know
better. “So what’s it going to be for you, mounting block or leg up?” He sure
hoped she opted for a leg up, maybe he could just put his hands
around her pretty little waist and swing her up. Yeah, he could really get
behind that idea.
leg up, I guess.”
    Hot damn, I’m going to get to put my
hands on her hot little body. “Okay, well since you’re a little bigger than Aaron we’ll do it a little
differently. You can use my knee as a step, place your foot on it and I’ll help
you swing over.” Tanner placed one leg forward, leaning down slightly so his
thigh stuck out at a forty degree angle.
hold of the saddle horn, and put your left foot here.” He patted his thigh.
did as he directed and he placed his hands on her waist. Her fabulous fanny was
just about eye level and man, did he like the view.
put all your weight on your left foot and swing your right leg over. I’ll hold
you steady.”
wobbled a little on the takeoff, but he held her steady and she landed in the
saddle without overbalancing too much. Walking around the other side of the
horse and securing her foot in the stirrup. He arranged her reins and gave her
leg a pat.
was mounted now, including Tammy. Tanner swung up onto Phantom’s back.
was giving last minute instructions to the ranch guests.
going to follow along behind the rest of the group, so I can keep an eye on you
two. The trail is wide enough that we can ride side by side for most of it.
I’ll ride in the middle, with you and Aaron on either side until you both get
comfortable. Okay?”
opened the corral gate and the assembled guests followed her out, some in pairs
and some in single file.
maneuvered Phantom between Red and Missy.
squeeze a little with both legs and make a kissing noise and the horses will
start to walk. Like this…” Tanner made a noise like a big wet air kiss and
Phantom moved out, Missy and Red followed right along. Tanner stopped at the
gate and allowed Sharon and Aaron to exit single file, he took up the rear,
closing and latching the gate behind them.
three rode side by side out across the green pasture
following in the wake of the rest of the riders. Sharon’s stomach was tight.
She wanted everything to go well, but with Aaron you never knew what was going
to happen.

    * * * *

kept the pace slow, allowing the rest of the group to move ahead, so that he
could concentrate on Sharon and Aaron, and keep them away from any other
ignorant comments.
boy seemed to have a natural seat. He was moving well with Missy.
Aaron, the first thing you need to know about riding—”
know how to ride,” Aaron interrupted.
    “ Don’t be rude, young man ,” Sharon admonished.
held up a hand to silence her, and he turned back to the boy.
    “I’m sorry, I was told this is your first time on a horse…”
is. But I know how to ride.”
    “ Ooookay ,” Tanner gave him a speculative look. “Tell
me what you know about riding then.”
deep into the saddle, tucking your, hehe , butt under your hips. Allow your lower body to move
with the horse so you don’t
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