A Secret Between Friends: A New Zealand Sexy Beach Romance (Treats to Tempt You Book 6)

A Secret Between Friends: A New Zealand Sexy Beach Romance (Treats to Tempt You Book 6) Read Online Free PDF

Book: A Secret Between Friends: A New Zealand Sexy Beach Romance (Treats to Tempt You Book 6) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Serenity Woods
also close to the holiday parks, it had proved popular with locals and holidaymakers alike. Outside was a large beer garden, with deck heaters for the cooler nights, several outdoor sofas, and even a few hammocks pinned up on the grassy bank between the trees for those patrons wishing to relax under the stars while they sipped their cocktails. Inside, Beck had decorated it in fresh pastel colors, giving it the look of a beach bar, with sand on the floorboards and shells scattered around the tables. Large photographs of surfers caught mid-wave decorated the walls.
    The man who’d taken the photographs approached, and Genie smiled as he leaned forward for a kiss.
    “Good to see you again,” Kole said.
    “Likewise.” Genie liked Kole. A photographer who ran his own business, he’d gone to the same school as Beck and Jonah when they lived in Mangonui, and he and some of their other friends were regular customers at Beck’s bar.
    She winked at the dark-haired woman who came to stand by his side. “I think congratulations are in order, aren’t they?”
    Tasha held up her hand and flashed her wedding ring. “Just got back from the honeymoon in Fiji.”
    “Wow, I bet that was fabulous.” Genie kissed her on the cheek and dutifully admired her wedding and engagement rings.
    “It was. The South Pacific at its absolute best.” Tasha glowed with happiness.
    “Plus she’s now officially stuck with me,” Kole said cheerfully.
    “Never thought I’d see you hitched.” Niall took a swallow of his beer. “Thought you’d be the eternal bachelor.”
    “Well, she kept nagging me, and it was easier to give in than keep saying no.” He grinned, and Tasha nudged him in the ribs, but she didn’t move away when he bent for a kiss.
    “I must admit though,” Kole said, straightening, “I’m surprised I was the first to tie the knot. None of you are even close, are you?” They all shook their heads. Kole nodded at Jonah. “What about you?”
    Genie snorted as Jonah raised an eyebrow. “The day I see Jonah Sharpe with a ring on his finger, there’ll be snow Down Under—and I don’t mean Australia.”
    Everyone laughed.
    Kole put his arm around his wife and cleared his throat. “Guys, Tash and I just wanted to say thanks for inviting us today. We were so sorry to hear about Ciara.”
    Everyone’s smiles faded, the same way the sunlight was dying slowly outside.
    Finn had wandered off earlier to a few friends on the other side of the bar, but Niall nodded. “Thanks. And thank you for coming, too. The funeral was dire. No funerals are fun, but it was especially depressing. Ciara would have hated it.”
    Niall’s eyes met Genie’s, and she nodded in affirmation. Ciara had been like sunlight on water—bright and sparkling, full of light and energy. Both girls had loved sports, bright colors, loud music, and spicy food, and although Ciara had occasionally been content to read a good book whereas Genie found it difficult to sit still for long, nevertheless she knew her best friend would have hated a dark, melancholy funeral.
    “She’d have liked this, though.” Genie gestured to the rest of the people in the bar. Strains of their conversation contained stories of Ciara, and although a few tears were being shed, there was also plenty of laughter.
    “Come on,” Beck said. “Drinks all round, and then we can have a toast.” He smiled at his sister. “A Between the Sheets?”
    “Yes, please.” Genie loved the combination of rum, Cognac, Triple Sec, and fresh lemon juice that formed the cocktail after which the bar took its name, and Beck always mixed it to perfection.
    While he poured everyone a drink, she finally lowered herself onto a stool and rested her cane against the bar. It was a relief to take the weight off her leg.
    “Is it painful?” Niall leaned on the bar beside her, which surprised her. She’d assumed that once he said hello, he’d leave her alone for the evening. She still wasn’t convinced he
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