A Plain and Simple Christmas
building bridges for her unborn child. Surely David understood that!
    David’s concern regarding his father’s temper was valid. Henry Beiler was a strict bishop who stuck to the rules and expected the district, especially his family, to follow suit.
    While Henry was a stickler for the Amish way, he also had a big heart. She’d seen him drop whatever he was doing to help a family in need. He’d organized more than one barn raising, and he had also spent long hours helping Kathryn’s father and brothers rebuild the furniture store after it burned down. Kathryn loved and respected her father-in-law, and she believed that deep down he missed his youngest daughter and would be overjoyed to see her come back at Christmas. Why couldn’t David see that?
    Kathryn placed the clean glasses into the cabinet and squeezed her eyes shut. She wished she knew the right answer. Was inviting Anna Mae to Christmas against her husband’s wishes a mistake? Was it a sin to make the plans behind her husband’s back? Of course it was, since she’d have to lie to David in order to arrange for Anna Mae to come. Lying was always a sin.
    But was not revealing the whole truth a lie?
    She rubbed her temples. Of course it was a lie. She’d punished her children more than once for leaving out important details in their stories, telling them they’d lied.
    Kathryn folded her hands. She needed a sign. She needed God to reveal the right answer to her.
    Gnawing her lower lip, she sent up a silent prayer to God, asking—no pleading with Him—for a sign, a clear-cut sign, that inviting Anna Mae was the right decision for the Beiler family’s Christmas.

    S aturday morning, Kathryn wiped down the counter in the large, open bakery kitchen. When a flurry of Pennsylvania Dietsch floated in from the front of the store, she moved to the doorway and found her mother-in-law, Mary Rose, chatting with her mother and Amanda.
    Kathryn approached Mary Rose and hugged her. “Wie geht’s?”
    “Gut.” Mary Rose smiled. “How are you?”
    “Gut. What brings you out here?” Kathryn asked.
    “I wanted to see how you all were doing.” She glanced toward Elizabeth. “David told me the bakery has been hectic with Englishers coming in for goodies for their Christmas parties. I’m glad to hear the bakery is staying so busy.”
    “Ya, it has been busy. You’ve come by during a lull today. We had a rush earlier.” Elizabeth gestured toward the kitchen. “Can I get you some coffee and a piece of chocolate cake?”
    Mary Rose brightened. “That sounds wunderbaar. Danki.”
    Elizabeth touched Amanda’s arm. “Will you help me?”
    “Ya,” Amanda said, following her into the kitchen.
    Kathryn gestured toward one of the small tables across from the counter. “Let’s have a seat. It’s nice and quiet now,so we can talk for a while.” She led Mary Rose to the table. “How’s Henry doing?” she asked as she sat.
    “Oh, he’s gut,” Mary Rose said, lowering herself into a chair. “He’s been busy at the store. I’m sure David has told you that they’ve had a nonstop stream of customers the past week.”
    “Ya, he has.” Kathryn ran her fingers over the cool wooden table. “I’m glad to hear it.”
    Mary Rose’s gaze focused across the room and her smile faded. “Can I tell you something, Kathryn?”
    “Of course. Was iss letz?”
    “Nothing’s wrong, but there’s something I want to share with you because I know you’ll understand.” Mary Rose sighed and looked at Kathryn. “Lately, I can’t stop thinking about Anna Mae. I’ve dreamed of her nearly every night the past week. I can’t stop worrying about her.”
    Kathryn cupped her hand to her mouth to squelch the gasp bubbling up from her throat. Was this the sign from God she’d prayed for?
    Mary Rose, unaffected by Kathryn’s reaction, kept talking. “I want to know how she is. Is she froh with her life with Kellan in Baltimore? Does she need anything? Does she miss us?
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