A Perfect Holiday Fling
nodded excitedly. It was the most animated Callie had ever seen the little boy. “Me and Uncle Stefan are camping in the backyard tonight. And he said Sandy can come, too.”
    Just like that Callie’s heart melted into a puddle as gooey as those marshmallows were sure to be when they roasted them tonight. It had been more than obvious yesterday that Stefan wasn’t fond of the cat, but he was willing to tolerate her for his nephew’s sake. Callie had a hard time recalling the last time she’d heard anything so sweet.
    “That sounds like so much fun.” She smiled down at Jacob.
    “He finished all of his homework, cleaned his room, and gave Sandy a bath. He earned his reward.”
    “Uncle Stefan, can I pick out the bananas?” Jacob asked.
    Stefan nodded and the little boy took off for the banana display.
    “It’s very sweet of you to include the cat in your campout,” Callie said.
    His shoulder hitched in a nonchalant shrug. “I’m a sweet guy.” He peered into the shopping basket that hung from her arm. “Only one steak? Is your husband a vegetarian?”
    He couldn’t be more obvious in his attempt to fish for information, but that didn’t stop a tingle of sensation from traveling along her skin. Maybe it was that low, almost melodic voice.
    “No, he loves red meat,” Callie answered. “I’m sure his new wife cooks it for him all the time.”
    A slow smile drew across Stefan’s lips, causing those tingles on her skin to multiply.
    “So, is his former wife interested in cooking for more than one?”
    His blatant come-on caught her totally off-guard. Thankfully, Jacob saved her from having to come up with an answer, because Callie wasn’t sure how she should respond.
    “I got the bananas, and carrots, too,” the little boy said, adding his haul to their basket.
    Stefan frowned. “Why the carrots?”
    “In case bunny rabbits come to the tent tonight,” Jacob answered, as if it should have been obvious.
    “Of course,” Stefan said. He turned his attention back to her, his eyes twinkling with mirth. “It was nice running into you, Dr. Webber. I mean Callie. If you’re up for S’mores, hot dogs on a stick, or carrots, you’re more than welcome to join us.”
    “Please!” Jacob piped up.
    “For the kid?” Stefan said, covering Jacob’s shoulders with both hands.
    They both stared at her with their heads tilted to the side, and imploring, puppy dog expressions on their faces.
    This man was no regular flirt. Anyone who would be so bold as to engage in such flagrant teasing, in the middle of the produce section and with his young nephew right there, was an accomplished flirt.
    “I’ve…I’ve got work to do tonight,” she said, her forehead creasing with censure.
    The sexy, lazy smile that drew up the corners of his mouth made it difficult to maintain her reproachful look. “That’s too bad,” Stefan said. “I roast a mean marshmallow. Maybe next time?”
    She bit the inside of her cheek to keep herself from laughing. It had been way too long since she’d flirted with anyone, especially a pro. If she didn’t get away soon, Callie knew her face would be as red as the garden tomatoes stacked in a pyramid across from them.
    Hoisting her grocery basket more firmly onto her arm, she said, “I should go. My ice cream is melting.”
    Stefan shook his head, the smile reaching his eyes. “You don’t have any ice cream in your basket.”
    “Then I need to get some,” Callie answered. Her face felt so hot she was sure it would set the collar of her hoodie on fire at any minute. “You two have fun tonight.”
    “Sandy, too,” Jacob reminder her.
    “Yes, Sandy, too. Take good care of her,” Callie said.
    She marched out of the produce section on shaky legs. Just before she turned the corner, she glanced over her shoulder to find Stefan staring at her with that one sexy dimple indenting the corner of his mouth.
    “Good Lord,” Callie said underneath her breath, crossing one arm over her
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