A Most Scandalous Proposal

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Book: A Most Scandalous Proposal Read Online Free PDF
Author: Ashlyn Macnamara
trill of laughter. Rufus narrowed his eyes. He’d spent ten years avoiding Town and most especially the season, but if he knew Ludlowe, this dark-haired beauty, whose low-cut white gown set her assets on display, was no doubt the wayward wife of some peer or other. Mariah could certainly tell him which peer, should he care to ask.
    “You might make yourself useful and call for the St. Claires’ carriage,” Rufus added.
    “Highgate!” His sister’s tone took on a low note of warning. “This is a highly serious matter.”
    He suppressed a sigh.
Only among ninnies
    “Indeed it is.” Mrs. St. Claire nodded slowly. “He hascompromised my daughter. As soon as Mr. St. Claire hears of this, he shall demand satisfaction.”
    Rufus stiffened at the implication. “I hardly think there’s any call to take matters quite so far.”
    Mariah turned her imperious gaze on Mrs. St. Claire. “Compromised? I refuse to believe it.”
    Mrs. St. Claire jabbed a finger at Rufus’s forehead. “Then explain to me how I came upon the two of them alone.”
    Rufus glared at Ludlowe, who was whispering behind his hand. His companion giggled. What was his game? If anybody in this corridor was apt to compromise marriageable misses, it was that beef-witted bastard.
    “We weren’t alone,” Rufus protested. “Not entirely.” He nodded to his sister. “You witnessed Miss St. Claire’s fainting spell. You know Ludlowe, here, assisted me.”
    “Mr. Ludlowe was no longer here when I arrived,” Mrs. St. Claire insisted.
    “He’d only just stepped out.” If he’d had a hand free, Rufus would have pressed it to his forehead. He was going to have to break down and appeal to a cad’s sense of honor. “Ludlowe, why don’t you tell her?”
    The man had developed a great interest in his fingernails. Filthy hypocrite. “I honestly cannot recall how long it took me to return here after a fruitless search for Miss Julia. Horrid crush as usual. Impossible to get through.”
    “I still cannot believe it,” Mariah interjected. “No, I will not have it. Of all people, my brother knows better than to embroil himself in such doings.”
    Mrs. St. Claire shot her an ugly look. “We did have to make our way back through the crowd. That took rather a long time.”
    The burden of the others’ collective scrutiny weighed him down more than the girl in his arms. Ludlowesmirked knowingly, while his companion sniggered behind her fan.
    An odd gleam shone in Mrs. St. Claire’s eye. Triumph, perhaps? No doubt the woman was typical of the
’s mothers, ever scheming to land her daughter the best possible match. Somehow Ludlowe must have guessed it. And now this particular mother was angling to entrap him.
. He loosened his grip on the poor girl in his arms. No point in bruising her on top of everything else.
    He avoided Town for this very reason—any vicious gossip could turn the least likely event into a scandal. Judging by Mariah’s imperious expression, she was ready to turn the situation into an even greater spectacle, and there was Ludlowe’s companion to consider. She practically glowed with excitement, as if she could not wait to pass on this juicy bit to all eager ears.
    Mariah had badgered him into attending tonight’s festivities so he could investigate the possibility of selecting a bride. If he didn’t tread carefully now, he’d be forced to remarry—a complete stranger, no less.
    Remarry! As if his first marriage hadn’t been disastrous enough. Best to put an end to the spectacle now, before they drew a crowd.
    “Well?” Mrs. St. Claire took a step forward, raising her chin. The gesture managed to make her appear taller. “What are you planning to do about this mess?”
    “I daresay, madam, my first order of business is to see your daughter safely home,” he drawled. To the devil with the lot of them. They obviously cared more for propriety than for the health of the poor girl lying limp in his arms. “She is quite
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