A Matter of Choice

A Matter of Choice Read Online Free PDF

Book: A Matter of Choice Read Online Free PDF
Author: Laura Landon
found, conquered.
    She struggled one last time, then wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him to her. His lips moved with an expertise that destroyed every effort to stop him. She held him closer, then yielded to his kisses and his touch.
    His kisses continued for an eternity, each one more consuming than the last. When he finally lifted his mouth from hers, she sank against him like the weak, wanton woman he’d made her.
    She couldn’t move, didn’t have the strength to stand on her own. She pressed her cheek against his chest and listened to his heart thunder inside his breast. It beat as violently as her own.
    Eventually, deep inside a never-opened recess of her mind, a door opened and she realized the mistake she’d made.
    The kiss they’d shared had not been simple and chaste as every other kiss she’d experienced before. But earthy and passionate. He’d opened a Pandora’s Box of desires she didn’t want to know were locked inside her. He’d changed everything she’d convinced herself she wanted.
    If she must marry, as her brother insisted she do, then marriage to Lord Archbite was the only marriage she would consider. Because he demanded nothing. She felt nothing for him. Her emotions were safe with him. There was no risk to her heart.
    With one passionate kiss, the Marquess of Montfort had ruined everything. He’d destroyed every illusion she’d constructed in her attempt to live a safe, emotionless life.
    Damn him.
    Damn him!
    He cupped her cheeks in his hands and lifted her face. “See, my lady. You deserve more.”
    She twisted out of his arms and stepped away from him, her legs still unsteady beneath her. “How dare you. How dare you!”
    Allison wanted to strike him. Her hands fisted tighter and moved involuntarily at her side.
    He glanced down at her clenched fists. “I wouldn’t if I were you. I rarely let a woman strike me once. I allowed it the other night because I deserved it. I will not tolerate it again.”
    Allison clamped her hands against her side, wishing for once she were a man and could answer his threat. He deserved her anger more tonight than before. He had no idea what he’d done.
    She spun away from him and ran back into the house, not caring what anyone thought when they saw her fleeing for her life.

Chapter 3
    The Earl of Archbite called to escort her on a carriage ride that next afternoon as promised. The day was brilliantly clear without the hint of a rain cloud in the sky. A slight breeze, warm from the bright sunshine, washed over them as they made their way through Hyde Park. All in all, it was a picture perfect day.
    But Allison hardly noticed. Instead, she spent the entire time watching over her shoulder, waiting for the Marquess of Montfort to ride up behind them and spoil it.
    “Is something wrong?” The earl looked behind him to where she focused her gaze.
    Allison jerked ahead, swearing she would not look back again. Swearing she would give Montfort the cut if he was foolish enough to bother them. “No. Nothing is wrong.”
    “It’s just that you keep looking behind you as if you’re expecting someone. Are you expecting someone?”
    “Of course not. It’s just such a wonderful day that I’m trying to absorb it all.”
    He gave her a warm smile and leaned back in the seat, seeming very relaxed and content. Allison felt a sense of familiarity being with him too. The familiarity she felt when she was with…her brother.
    That she’d just compared him to David disappointed her. She shoved the thought out of her mind as if it had never been born.
    Chastising herself for her foolishness, she sat back against the leather cushion. She was determined to enjoy the rest of the ride. Determined not to remember the reason she’d gotten very little sleep last night. Or the turmoil that raged through her body since Montfort had so thoroughly kissed her. She would not allow herself to think of him.
    “It really is a beautiful day.” She moved her parasol
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