A Mate for the Alpha and His Brothers

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Book: A Mate for the Alpha and His Brothers Read Online Free PDF
Author: Cara Adams
Tags: Romance
we need to arrange someone for him to stay with and get him away as soon as we can. Besides, he’ll be missing school.”
    “He’s missed quite a lot of school. He might even have to stay back a year.” Elsie felt a moment’s guilt for that. But if they hadn’t moved to the cheaper apartment, they’d have been completely homeless.
    “Since he’s moving to another state, any areas he’s behind in at school he can blame on the different school systems. If he’s half as smart as you, he’ll catch up quickly anyway,” said Brayden.
    That made her feel better. JJ had always been a bright, intelligent little boy. Once he was in a good school, he’d catch up. She believed that.
    They talked some more, and she finished her sandwich. It filled her up, and she realized it had been a hell of a long time since she’d had a full stomach after a meal. Likely her stomach had shrunk a bit. That was a good thing. Being thin was trendy. See, I’m not going without. I’m doing what most women do, losing weight.
    Although she wouldn’t lose any more weight if she ate meals like this too often. She’d be putting it on instead. Fortunately, she’d had to take her jeans in twice already. She could always let them out again without having to stop eating or to find the money to buy new clothing.
    “Do you want another sandwich?” asked Favian.
    “No thank you. It was huge.”
    “Come on. Let’s take Amory his lunch,” said Brayden.
    Her? She was supposed to go as well? “Me?”
    “Of course. We need to talk to him about JJ.”
    Brayden picked up the plate with the Alpha’s lunch on it and led the way out of the apartment.
    Suddenly Elsie felt nervous. The Alpha was an honest and fair man. But would he agree to let her manage what happened to JJ? Now that she’d agreed to stay here, did that make her one of his pack who had to obey him in all things? Ah fuck! I didn’t think of that!

Chapter Three

    Amory couldn’t concentrate. As usual, his desk was piled high with paperwork that absolutely, positively, had to be dealt with right now. But the difference was that, for the first time in years, his mind was elsewhere. His fingers itched to turn on the security footage and view again the cute little blonde who’d erupted into his life.
    “Erupted and gone again,” he told himself firmly. He had no time for fond imaginings of evenings sitting on the sofa, a mate snuggled into his side as they sipped wine from the same glass or fed each other bites of chocolate while watching a movie.
    A few of his pack members had found their mates recently, but no woman would be satisfied with seeing him for the ten seconds between when he crawled into bed, usually around two in the morning, and when he fell asleep, or in the brief moments between when the alarm clock woke him at six thirty and he showered, shaved, dressed, and ran down the stairs to his office by seven a.m. He supposed if he tried he could talk to her while he showered, but he wasn’t usually very lucid then. The endless round of never enough sleep was gradually wearing him down. In fact, his brain was telling him if he didn’t take a day off work soon and just rest he was liable to become ill.
    Amory shook himself. He was training Favian and Brayden to take over part of the job.
    No, he wasn’t. They were training themselves in the odd moments he managed to explain things to them. That was something else he’d have to change. He needed to sit them down and actually teach them some tasks that they could do to take the pressure off himself. But there was never time.
    I have to make time.
    I know, I know. Just not today okay?
    Determinedly, Amory clicked on his e-mail and pulled up a very complicated request that needed one hundred percent of his attention. He read the first line without seeing a single word, changed screens, and hit the security footage, scrolling back to that morning and staring at the woman in the coat, watching intently as she was escorted to the
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