A Mate Beyond Their Reach

A Mate Beyond Their Reach Read Online Free PDF

Book: A Mate Beyond Their Reach Read Online Free PDF
Author: Scarlet Hyacinth
Tags: Gay, Fantasy, Contemporary
take Paulie away, and Drew could not allow such a thing.
    The thought sobered him, and he broke away from the other man.
    The stranger gave him a pained look. “Now you see why you’re not safe here anymore?”
    Drew forced himself to analyze the situation as a scientific puzzle, even if all he wanted was to trust and allow himself to be swept off his feet. “I don’t understand,” he said. “Who or what are you?”
    “A werewolf?” Dan suggested from behind them.
    The man glared at Dan, then turned to Drew once more. “I’m Trent Hart,” he replied. “And no, I’m not a werewolf, but a spirit wolf. Werewolves—at least your idea of them—don’t exist. The closest thing to them is what you saw me fight earlier. They are called ferals, and the virus you investigated is the one that creates them.”
    “A virus that creates werewolves,” Dan drawled. “Right.”
    This time, Trent actually seemed irritated. “You just saw me and two other people turn into wolves before your very eyes. One would think the experience would convince you I’m telling the truth.”
    As Trent spoke, Drew’s mind went into three directions. The first analyzed his previous laboratory findings by using the new information. To a certain extent, it now made sense why the human antivirals helped. Drew ached to investigate the virus further. The second one screamed at him to find Paulie and just get the hell out of Dodge. The third one aroused something new inside him, a deep need Drew couldn’t quite understand. He wanted to rub against Trent, touch the other man, take that magnificent shaft in his mouth and see if it tasted as delicious as it looked.
    A new wave of desire hit him when he took in the look in Trent’s eyes. Drew had received similar glances in the past and, back before he’d become a father, even followed up on the silent offers. But now, he had other priorities. Shaking himself, he stole a look toward the wolf bodies. “Are there more of these…ferals in Tennington?”
    “Not to my knowledge,” Trent answered, “but you started something with your call at the CDC.”
    Drew frowned. “I’m afraid I don’t follow.”
    “Humans are not supposed to know about this. I’m not sure what happens to those who do find out, but you most certainly won’t be able to live here anymore. The ferals will find you, and my kind will not allow you to go unsupervised.”
    Drew felt faint. “But I have a life,” he said weakly, “a son.”
    “Paulie will have to come, too, and your dear friend, Dan.” Trent shot another glare toward Dan. “Now, seriously, we don’t have much time. You can either take your chances with whoever my people send, or trust me.”
    For whatever reason, Drew didn’t even hesitate. He nodded. “I trust you.”
    He felt Dan’s dismay and understood it. After all, Drew was taking quite a chance, and not only with his own life, but with his son’s and his best friend’s. But ever since he’d found the injured wolf on the bank, he felt something shift inside him, a part of his heart he’d thought gone forever. He didn’t want to let it go. Did this mean he was thinking with his cock? No. With his heart, maybe. But his heart never led him astray.
    “I’m going to dispose of these bodies,” Trent said. His eyes looked sad, even if his voice sounded steady. “Pack up something for you and your son. Dan, you go and get Paulie, and don’t forget to take some necessities along, as well.”
    Dan spluttered, obviously disliking being ordered around. Even so, he complied. Perhaps a part of Dan sensed the urgency of the situation, too. Whatever the case, Dan nodded and rushed to his car.
    “You take care of Drew, or else,” he threw over his shoulder.
    As Dan drove off, a surreal feeling hit Drew. Left alone with Trent, with this mysterious stranger, Drew didn’t know what to say.
    He clung to Trent’s instructions. Having something to do would keep his mind off the recklessness of his own
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