A Kiss for Lady Mary

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Book: A Kiss for Lady Mary Read Online Free PDF
Author: Ella Quinn
changes the subject, and once I thought I saw her flinch.”
    Almeria stirred three lumps of sugar into her tea. On orders of her doctor, a most superior man, she’d been on a reducing diet. Still, one must have sugar in one’s tea. “How does Lady Mary get on here?”
    Phillice’s expression perked up. “Very well. Indeed, I do not know what we did before she arrived. We all love her. She has done so much for Rose Hill and the town. I do not know how she managed it, but she is paying for the roof of the church to be repaired and replaced. If her husband does appear, he’ll find it necessary to prove himself.”
    Almeria nodded. “Excellent. Perhaps I shall put a flea in Mr. Featherton’s ear. He really should not leave his wife alone.”
    Her goddaughter frowned. “We would not wish to lose her, or cause her any trouble.”
    Almeria raised her brows in an expression of surprise. “Of course not. I would never do anything to harm the poor lady.”
    After she’d ascertained that Diana was packed and ready to leave early the next day, Almeria repaired to the writing desk in her chamber.

    The seventeenth day of March, 1817, Brownly Manor, Northumberland
    My dear Constance,
    I am happy to be able to inform you that M is doing well and beloved by all in the area. I depart in the morning but shall have this letter sent by messenger, so that it will arrive before I do. Soon it will be time to put the rest of our little scheme in play. It is a shame young people need so much help these days.
    All has been quiet here. and M appears to be safe. Have you heard anything of the ogre?
    Your dearest friend,
    A. Bellamny

    Bridgewater House, London
    Constance Bridgewater and her dear friend Lucinda, Dowager Viscountess Featherton, were sipping tea in Constance’s parlor when a knock came at the door.
    “Your Grace.” The footman bowed. “This came for you by messenger.”
    Constance flashed a grin at her friend as she took the proffered message. “Thank you.”
    Once the young man left, she broke the seal off the letter.
    Lucinda moved to the edge of her chair. “Is it from Almeria?”
    “Yes.” Constance read the letter out loud, then handed it to her friend. “I knew Mary would carry it off.”
    “Yes indeed.” Lucinda glanced up. “This is excellent news. Have you heard anything about the ogre?”
    “No.” Constance shook her head slowly. “I spent most of the autumn and winter leading Gawain Tolliver a merry chase. Eunice’s children have reported seeing a strange man around who answers Gawain’s description.”
    “How are they taking Eunice’s absence?”
    “Most of them think she is with me. Even if they don’t, they may be dull, but they are not at all stupid. They know Mary has been persecuted by that cousin of hers and something is afoot. Eunice has had her correspondence sent to her solicitor, who forwarded them on.” Constance sat back in the chair. “Have you told your son yet?”
    “In a roundabout way. Well,” Lucinda gave a sly smile, “truthfully, not everything. In fact, none of the details. I merely said I was looking for a good match for Kit. Although Featherton is in agreement that Kit must marry, and soon, he is fond enough of me to allow my folly, as he calls it.” Lucinda took a sip of tea and sighed. “My poor daughter-in-law would not be at all happy if she knew we were arranging a match. She would be extremely angry if she knew the details. I believe she is better left in the dark for the time being.”
    “I take it she still doesn’t know the part you played in her marriage?” Constance chuckled. “I understand. I don’t think Barham has figured out that I arranged his nuptials. Fortunately he didn’t ask why I needed a few of his larger footmen in addition to mine. Ha! They all want to make their own love matches these days, but they will see. We old women know what we are about. An arranged marriage with love is the best option of all.”
    Once again a knock
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