A Healing Love

A Healing Love Read Online Free PDF

Book: A Healing Love Read Online Free PDF
Author: Shara Azod
Tags: Romance
on his entrails. Fucking male tigers had done enough already.
    For once Megan was going to get answers. If there was any way to cure Mica—without sentencing her to be some cat toy—she would. Damn Russian alley cat probably held back her packages on purpose!
    Jumping out of the vehicle, Megan stomped into the store, using her cat senses to locate all potential threats. That was one of the few good things about being a freak of nature—she could tell if anyone was hiding no matter what form she was in. Only Valeri was there, but the scent of others, all male, lingered in the air. She was going to have to get back to Mica quickly.
    “If the others in this area go anywhere near Mica, I’ll rip out their throats.” Anger caused Megan’s voice to take on an animalistic growl. She didn’t care. It was controlled fury, ready to be channeled and used at the right moment should she need to. “You will relay to them to stay the hell away, or I will hunt them one by one and tell them in my own way. I need a new winter coat anyway.”
    Thank God she had thought to set those traps! She’d also disabled the doorbell just in case. Sure they could bang on the door, but chances were excellent that despite her determination to finish trimming the tree, Mica was going to take a nap. Being a deep sleeper, she probably wouldn’t hear knocking.
    “You don’t exist.”
    Instead of the confrontation Megan had geared herself up for, she was met with a look of dumbfounded shock from the other tiger. What the hell? Hadn’t he recognized her earlier?
    “Are you seriously going to tell me you didn’t smell me at the cabin? And don’t give me that bullshit about there not being any female tiger shifters. I’m right freaking here, aren’t I?”  Megan had very little patience right about now, and this man-cat was trying every bit of it. “I certainly smelled your stench from a mile off.” Not true, but he didn’t need to know that. “Did you send one of your kittens after my little girl or not, old man?”
                Valeri didn’t do more than gape at her, mouth and eyes wide open. No, eyes dilating, the blue-green beginning to swirl, fangs descending. Megan had run into one or two hostile shifter types in her time, the kind that would much rather attack than talk. Valeri was definitely projecting aggression, but not the hostile kind.
                Awww, shit—really? Surely she was past her prime for this kind of thing?
    “Hey, buddy, keep it in your pants. I’m only here for some answers.” However, Megan did edge backwards in the direction of the door as she spoke. Just in case, she allowed her claws to come on down.
                Just because she’d never actually seen kitty lust up close and personal didn’t mean she didn’t recognize it, And man, oh man, could she smell it. It was a good thing she’d never come across a needy tiger before, because the pheromones this one was kicking out were a killer! Had to be pheromones, ’cause no way was she attracted to this male. Not once in her forty-three years had she ever been remotely interested in sexual intercourse with man, woman or man-beast. Why would she start now, and why with someone she so obviously despised?
                And yet...
                “Do us both a favor,” Valeri drawled. “Do not run.” His pupils were so large they almost swallowed his irises. “Please, don't run. I don’t know if I can keep control if you do.”
                Megan had no idea what to do with that information. Unfortunately for her, her body didn’t seem interested in waiting for her brain to figure it out. Her brain really believed the warning and was going over the pros and cons...
                But damned if her feet didn’t turn and haul ass.

Chapter Four
                That smell! Luka stumbled as soon as he climbed out of the truck, inhaling over and over again. How was it
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