A Consumer's Guide to Male Hustlers

A Consumer's Guide to Male Hustlers Read Online Free PDF

Book: A Consumer's Guide to Male Hustlers Read Online Free PDF
Author: Joseph Itiel
involves an active male penetrating a passive female. I am sure there are many refinements and innovations that a good female prostitute can add to this scenario. However, there is no likelihood that the roles would be reversed, that is, the prostitute penetrating her clients. When a man hires a hustler, who will penetrate whom is an issue that needs to be worked out between the parties!
    The sample ads illustrate not only the variety of services offered by hustlers but also that the hustlers who will not penetrate or be penetrated have different tricks in their repertoire which are good enough to please their clients.
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    In a recent ABC 20/20 TV program 6 exploring prostitution in the 1990s, a heterosexual interviewee states, "Of course I would like to get sex for free. But women are not interested in me." For gays the situation is somewhat different.
    6 . 20/20 , ABC, January 31, 1997.
    When I used to go to the baths there was always someone I could have gotten it on with (for free). The problem was not finding a sex partner but, rather, finding an acceptable one. Sometimes, in the wee hours of the morning, just to get it over with to catch some sleep before going to work, I did it with someone I was not attracted to at all. Later, I would hate myself for having done it. 7
    7 . Baths, sex clubs, and similar venues provide more availability of sex partners than bars. The point is that gays have places where some sort of sex is almost always readily available. Heterosexuals usually do not have similar facilities.
    The availability issue is where the hustler's main role comes into play: he ensures the quality of the encounter in a convenient time frame. Unlike the female prostitute, who provides sex that might otherwise be unavailable at all to her heterosexual partner, the hustler provides quality sex to his client, compared to just getting off.
    I have been told more than once that I do not appreciate the chase. It would be more accurate to say that I do not appreciate the hunt without the trophy. I have no quarrel with gays who, unlike me, enjoy the chase and do not care whether they score or not. But there are many people I know who constantly hunt unsuccessfully, and then complain bitterly how unfulfilled they are sexually. They are the ones who would benefit from the services of hustlers. What deters them is that they buy into the heterosexual self-loathing for using what they consider the male equivalent of a female prostitute.
    Female prostitution is regarded by the world at large as an exploitative practice. Hustling is tarred with the same brush. Unfortunately, many hustlers, as well as their clients, buy into this viewpoint. Expressions like "exploitative sex" are bandied around—though it is far from clear who is exploiting whom. Clients who sense that the hustler is having as good a time as they are and is being paid for it sometimes feel exploited by the arrangement. Hustlers, when they have to put up, in their lingo, with assholes, sometimes feel that no amount of money can compensate them. (Members of other professions do not have to put up with assholes?) The good thing about hustling, compared to female prostitution controlled by pimps, is that either party can terminate an unsatisfactory relationship at will.
    A corollary view maintains that hustling damages the practitioner physically and emotionally. I have had the opportunity to observe a number of hustlers over long periods of time. Many years of hustling have not healed the ones who were damaged, nor damaged the ones who were whole.
    More to the point, really, is that lots of jobs involve a certain amount of danger. For instance, I have been reading a lot lately about the meatpacking industry. Meatpackers' pay has gone down to just above minimum wage. Workers in this industry are almost certain to experience episodes of carpal tunnel syndrome, and serious injuries to their hands are a reasonable expectation.
    Models operating out of their
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