A Cast of Shadows: An Araneae Nation Story

A Cast of Shadows: An Araneae Nation Story Read Online Free PDF

Book: A Cast of Shadows: An Araneae Nation Story Read Online Free PDF
Author: Hailey Edwards
said, pausing to set Jana on the ground, “and punishment is death for killing one, then these hunters will ensure no one can track them or find the carcasses until after they’ve been processed. They’re being very, very careful.”
    “Caution won’t save them.” Errol would exact his revenge. “Even if we can’t recover Karenna from the river, linking the hunters to the death of one canis is enough to see them both hanged.”
    “You say we …” she glanced around, “…but do you mean that as in him or me ?”
    Brynmor should have lied, ignored her question or said anything except, “I meant you.”
    “That’s not what I agreed to.” She took a stumbling step back. “I’ll show you where I found the pup, but that’s all. I don’t have time to help you trap hunters. It’s not my problem. I’m sorry.”
    Now that she had planted the idea of working with him in his mind, Brynmor was unable to let it go, to let her go. “Trap, you said?” His voice turned persuasive. “I heard Deinopidae weave the finest nets in the whole of the Araneae Nation. The one you used on Errol was impressive.”
    Pink suffused her cheeks. “It was a simple net meant for catching salmo.”
    “Yet it caught a canis.” Brynmor released Errol. “Could you manage a stronger, larger one?”
    “Of course I could, but—”
    “Excellent.” Brynmor stood and approached her. “You will be compensated for your efforts.”
    “As much as compensation appeals to me, I haven’t agreed to do more than act as a guide.”
    “Linger here a while longer,” he coaxed. “Help see that justice is served.”
    “You chased me off this land.” Daraja measured him with a stare. “What has changed?”
    He spread his hands. “I need your help.”
    “Again so soon?” She snorted. “At least you’re honest.”
    He trailed a finger down Daraja’s arm, marveled at the softness of her skin, the way her eyes widened and breath hitched. How long had it been since he had a female? Decades since his wife bore his touch. Years longer since she wanted him in her bed, if she ever really had. Even now he was unsure how much of his marriage to Isolde had been genuine and how much of her affection had been a role she played. Gods above, he had craved her beauty, her charm, her wit…her love.
    The fire in his blood when he saw Daraja was reminiscent of that same instant fascination.
    Daraja slapped his hand. “Keep those to yourself.”
    Shaking free of the past, he cleared his throat. “Will you stay?”
    She studied him. “How do I know you won’t change your mind again?”
    Such assurances were beyond his making. “Perhaps your reward will persuade you?” When her lips parted, he said, “I still owe you for your earlier assistance with Errol. Let me repay you now.”
    Her eyes glittered with mischief. “What is a net of mine worth to you?”
    “I am not so ignorant of females that I would answer your question and still expect to remain in your good graces.” He began to walk. “Too low a price on your work, and I have insulted you. Too high a price, and you will use my excess as an excuse to sneak off at your first opportunity.”
    “You have a rather low opinion of me.” She sounded close, as if she were on his heels.
    Good. He hoped she would follow. Brynmor picked up his pace. “It’s what I would do.”
    “Ah.” She chuckled. “Am I to assume then that you have a rather high opinion of yourself?”
    Paladins, the worthy ones, were revered by their people. That adoration made it difficult not to develop an inflated sense of self-worth. Brynmor certainly once had a high opinion of himself.
    Death had shattered his illusions. Nothing disillusioned a male quite like the end of his life.
    The bitter reminders of his death, of his wife, drained his pleasure from their conversation.
    “I didn’t mean to offend you,” Daraja said after a while.
    “You didn’t.”
    She grasped his arm. “What is that? I can feel rumbling
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