A 30-Day Online Romance
You said you do not want to
talk on Skype, how then can we proceed.
Nov 10 11:58 AM
    ALEXISCHRIS60: I'm cold right now
and I need you right by my side my love.
Nov 10 11:58 AM
    CAMILA: I will be there tomorrow my
Nov 10 11:58 AM
    CAMILA: Ok, so I will book for JHB
airport. I need a cab, phone numbers, and your
Nov 10 11:59 AM
    CAMILA: Why are you cold? You said
winter is next year.
Nov 10 12:00 PM
    ALEXISCHRIS60: If you want true
communication then you most stop asking for video chat
Nov 10 12:00 PM
    ALEXISCHRIS60: Yes, but it is cold
some times here honey.
Nov 10 12:00 PM
    CAMILA: Will you be at the house
tomorrow to receive me?
Nov 10 12:01 PM
    CAMILA: Oh, what airlines from the
US to Johannesburg?
Nov 10 12:03 PM
    ALEXISCHRIS60: I don't know baby you
can search that.
Nov 10 12:04 PM
    ALEXISCHRIS60: Sure.
Nov 10 12:14 PM
    CAMILA: Delta departs here, stops in
AMS for 5 hours then on to Johannansburg. A 27 hour flight. Is it
worth it to fly out to meet a complete stranger?
Nov 10 12:16 PM
    ALEXISCHRIS60: Hahaha if you can I
will be so grateful.
Nov 10 12:19 PM
    CAMILA: I can. But will
Nov 10 12:21 PM
    ALEXISCHRIS60: I will welcome you
and treat you like a queen.
Nov 10 12:26 PM
    CAMILA: Darling, I am seeking TRUST,
not a royal reception.
Nov 10 12:27 PM
    ALEXISCHRIS60: I will tell you
again, I'm the kind of man you should trust ok.
Nov 10 12:29 PM
    ALEXISCHRIS60: Let’s take our time
to build a good relationship it will be so wonderful
Nov 10 12:46 PM
    CAMILA: Maybe it is time for you to
go and get your kids home dear.
Nov 10 12:49 PM
    ALEXISCHRIS60: In what ways
Nov 10 12:49 PM
    ALEXISCHRIS60: What are you talking
Nov 10 12:50 PM
    CAMILA: Are the kids home from
school yet?
Nov 10 12:51 PM
    ALEXISCHRIS60: It’s 7 51 PM
Nov 10 12:53 PM
    CAMILA: So, are you putting them to
bed soon?
Nov 10 12:53 PM
Nov 10 12:53 PM
    ALEXISCHRIS60: Why do you ask
Nov 10 12:53 PM
    ALEXISCHRIS60: Are you not coming
anymore honey.
Nov 10 12:54 PM
    CAMILA: I don't have your address
Nov 10 12:57 PM
    ALEXISCHRIS60: Baby, you don't need
my address. When you get to the airport call me I will come pick
you up.
Nov 10 12:58 PM
    CAMILA: Thx. My friend will pick me
up. I can go and stay with them anytime.
Nov 10 1:01 PM
    CAMILA: Darling, when you fly
internationally, you filled out a Declaration Form and give
Immigration a physical address you will be staying at, otherwise
they will not allow you into the country. That's why I am asking
you for your address.
Nov 10 1:01 PM
    ALEXISCHRIS60: It’s not like that in
South Africa.
Nov 10 1:02 PM
    ALEXISCHRIS60: I know what you are
talking about.
Nov 10 1:02 PM
    ALEXISCHRIS60: I always travel on
business class.
Nov 10 1:07 PM
    CAMILA: Please feel free to go and
take care of your children now dear.
Nov 10 1:07 PM
    CAMILA: Children!
Nov 10 1:12 PM
    ALEXISCHRIS60: Ok, when do we chat
Nov 10 1:25 PM
    CAMILA: I have work to do now. I
will be visible later. Enjoy your dinner with the
An Overnight Note To Christopher
Nov 10 9:45 PM
    CAMILA: Want you to wake up with
happy thoughts of our conversation yesterday. It was intense -
passionate. I really want to get to know who you really are and
what gives you the passion and drive in your life to go on each and
every day. What you love and why you love life. What kind of future
you want for your kids. What makes you happy. What makes you smile
each day you wake up to another challenging day. Sweet dreams my
dear one.

Chat About Travelling
    Nov 11 2:47 AM
    CAMILA: Hello my darling. How are
you today?
Nov 11 2:49 AM
    ALEXISCHRIS60: I'm good and you
Nov 11 2:49 AM
    CAMILA: Missing our
Nov 11 2:50 AM
    ALEXISCHRIS60: Same here
Nov 11 2:50 AM
    ALEXISCHRIS60: I'm still waiting for
you to come over lol.
Nov 11 2:51 AM
    CAMILA: Come over is a very long
Nov 11 2:52 AM
Nov 11 2:52 AM
    ALEXISCHRIS60: Are you not sleeping
Nov 11
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