puzzle, he calls her out.
But it doesn’t faze her, she get right into it.
“You know its Ryan’s birthday tomorrow,” she said.
“Yes I know Judy. Rob told me that he and Ryan were going job scouting today. How long has it been since Rob scouted a job? I’d say six or eight months, wouldn’t you,” he said with the intent on jogging her memory back to the letter. She caught on.
“Well I don’t expect them to be too late tonight.” There, she dropped the bug in his ear.
He puts his pencil down and sits back in his chair to set the record straight.
“Well than if he is —late that is—that means we should be getting the helicopter in the air just about this time tomorrow. Isn’t that right Judy?”
“Ah well, yes I guess your right Bob—oh say Bob if you’re not doing anything later tonight stop on over for some peach cobbler,” she said with a coy voice.
“Right Mrs. Sykes, I will let you know then—bye-bye.”
He quickly ended that conversation. He did not want to get sucked into that situation, sitting over there eating cobbler, watching Judy wring her hands in worry turning the minutes into hours.
There would be no searching until tomorrow evening. Sheriff Bob Mallory is a very sympathetic man, but at seven hundred dollars an hour for a helicopter he had to consider Rob’s track record and stick with common sense.
However, Bob does have special feelings in his heart for Judy. The three of them have a very unique bond of love and friendship. That’s altogether another story. For now, he feels Rob will be just fine.
Chapter Eight
“Son , I do it because I love the adventure, the thrill of being outside in the woods and not knowing where the day will take you.” Rob is trying to get Ryan’s mind off the negative by focusing on the positive aspects of surveying. “It’s not a job—”
“It’s an adventure, man we are just full of clichés today,” Ryan said chuckling. His dad did also.
“Ok, so you went about a tenth of a mile in, what, say 15 minutes. That’s good! Now you need to get back out there and start where you left off.” Rob said, testing the waters of Ryan’s resolve.
Ryan is silent.
His dad starts in again, “You get out there, it’s what, three-thirty, and you march through the cypress and gum trees for an hour and a half to “no-name” creek, you cross it, 30 more minutes of swamp and you will come to a little strip of land on the banks of the Oklawaha River. You make camp there where it should be safe to spend the night. You know you won’t be able to sleep, so you build a nice big fire. You spray yourself down with bug spray and you walk around the fire all night thinking about the hero’s welcome you’re going to get tomorrow on your eighteenth birthday.” He pauses. There is no response from Ryan so he continues.
“The sun rises . You wait 15minutes for a boat, if no boats show, you cross the river.”
Ryan chimes in, “How deep is the river?”
“Well son, it will be shallow on each side but the center you will need to swim. You will be in your clothes and shoes, and you will have the backpack so you’re going to need some help. You need to find an old log about your length and place the backpack on top of it. You can then, with one arm draped over the log—swim across.” He pauses, no reaction, so he continues.
“After that , it’s all downhill, just a half a mile of swamp and one and a half miles of uplands and you’re at Forest Road 77.” He waits for Ryan’s response.
“Dad,” Ryan says looking out his window, “don’t they say that if you’re lost, you should stay put, and let them come to you?”
“True, but we are not lost, we already went over that, and I know for a fact that they will not be looking for us until tomorrow night.” Rob said with a confessing voice.
“What do you mean you know for a