45 - Ghost Camp

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Book: 45 - Ghost Camp Read Online Free PDF
Author: R.L. Stine - (ebook by Undead)
in the cabin when Alex and I came in.
They were getting changed for bed. The other guys introduced themselves. Sam and
    I made my way to the bunk bed and started to undress.
    “Owoooooooh!” A ghostly howl made me jump.
    I spun around and saw Joey grinning at me.
    Everyone laughed. Me, too.
    I like camp jokes, I thought. They’re mean. But they’re kind of fun.
    I felt something soft and gooey under my bare foot. Yuck! I glanced down.
    And saw that I had stepped in a fresh puddle of blue slime.
    The cabin lights went out. But before they did, I saw blue puddles—fresh
blue puddles—all over the floor.
    The cold blue stuff stuck to the bottom of my foot. I stumbled through the
dark cabin and found a towel to wipe it off.
    What are these blue puddles? I asked myself as I climbed up to my top
    I glimpsed Joey and Sam in the bunk against the wall.
    I gasped.
    They stared back at me, their eyes shining like flashlights!
    What is going on here? I wondered.
    What are the sticky blue puddles all over the floor?
    And why do Sam and Joey’s eyes glow like that in the dark?
    I turned my face to the wall. I tried not to think about anything.
    I had almost drifted to sleep—when I felt a cold, slimy hand sliding down
my arm.

    I shot straight up. Still feeling the cold, wet touch on my skin.
    I stared at my brother. “Alex—you scared me to death!” I whispered. “What
do you want?”
    He stood on his mattress, his dark eyes staring at me. “I can’t sleep,” he
    “Keep trying,” I told him sharply. “Why are your hands so cold?”
    “I don’t know,” he replied. “It’s cold in here, I guess.”
    “You’ll get used to it,” I said. “You always have trouble sleeping in new
    I yawned. I waited for him to drop back onto the bottom bunk. But he didn’t
    “Harry, you don’t believe in ghosts—do you?” he whispered.
    “Of course not,” I told him. “Don’t let a couple of silly stories creep you
    “Yeah. Right,” he agreed. “Good night.”
    I said good night. He disappeared back to his bed. I heard him tossing around
down there. He had a very squeaky mattress.
    Poor guy, I thought. That dumb Ghost Camp joke with the fog really messed him
    He’ll be fine in the morning, I decided.
    I turned and gazed across the dark cabin toward Joey and Sam’s bunk. Were
their eyes still glowing so strangely?
    Darkness there.
    I started to turn away—then stopped.
    And stared hard.
    “Oh no!” I murmured out loud.
    In the dim light, I could see Joey. Stretched out. Asleep.
    Floating two feet above his mattress!

    I scrambled to climb out of bed. My legs tangled in the blanket, and I nearly
fell on my head!
    “Hey—what’s up?” I heard Alex whisper below me.
    I ignored him. I swung myself around, and leaped to the floor.
    “Ow!” I landed hard, twisting my ankle.
    Pain shot up my leg. But I ignored it and hobbled to the door. I remembered
the light switch was somewhere over there.
    I had to turn on the light.
    I had to see for sure that I was right. That Joey slept floating in the air
above his bed.
    “Harry—what’s wrong?” Alex called after me.
    “What’s up? What time is it?” I heard Elvis groan sleepily from the bunk
against the other wall.
    I pulled myself across the cabin. My hand fumbled against the wall until I
found the light switch.
    I pushed it up.
    The overhead light flashed on, flooding the tiny cabin in white light.
    I raised my eyes to Joey’s bunk.
    He lifted his head from the pillow and squinted down at me. “Harry—what’s
your problem?” he asked. He was sprawled on his stomach, on top of his blanket.
    Not floating in the air. Not floating.
    Resting his head in his hands, yawning and staring down at me.
    “Turn off the light!” Sam barked. “If Uncle Marv catches us with the light on…”
    “But—but—” I sputtered.
    “Turn it off !” Elvis and Sam both
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