but there is so much red tape over these MADA projects, it can take a long time to get anything accomplished,” Virginia said with disgust. “No one is in a hurry to approve my requests for new staff now that everyone is feeling safe.”
“I was wondering why you didn’t have any guards with you,” Mark commented.
“Ever since the Valituras threat was neutralized, there aren’t any big enemies looming to motivate the public or the government into action.”
“What about APU 81?” Maggie asked.
Virginia rolled her eyes with exasperation. “You’re right about that but everyone thinks it’s just one individual and can’t do much on it’s own. What they fail to realize is that those NPX regeneration units may be capable of restoring a new ancient facility. No one will listen to me. They say that it’s impossible for nanites to rebuild something that’s been almost entirely destroyed.”
“I’ve been thinking a lot about those NPX regeneration units and I do believe it’s likely that they can restore any ancient facility if there is substantial debris – even less then ten percent of the original structure,” Maggie said.
“What’s your theory on how this could be done?” Virginia regarded her with curiosity.
“It’s entirely possible that the crystal cubes possess vast reserves of computer memory. They may have the schematics of every single ancient structure ever built or at least the main facilities. If that’s the case, all that’s needed to restore a facility are the basic materials and a steady supply of terramezic energy to power the cubes.”
“APU 81 might not even need an ancient facility to rebuild. It could just make a structure from scratch,” Mark said.
“Yes it could but some of the materials would take a very long time to produce. I don’t think APU 81 is willing to spend decades manufacturing a brand new facility,” Maggie said. “And with our current technology, I imagine it’s extremely difficult to make terramezic energy generators.”
“Every ancient facility is self-reliant and can produce massive amounts of terramezic energy. If APU 81 succeeds in commandeering just one, we may have a serious problem on our hands,” Virginia said. “We need to track that thing down or we need to start upgrading our own technology.”
“I can’t wait to find APU 81. I’m going to smash its despicable crystal skull into a thousand pieces,” Maggie said.
“That’s the spirit!” Virginia’s eyes sparkled with enthusiasm.
They finished their meal and took the jet to the ancient facility in New Hampshire that had once been a structure that resembled Stone Henge in England. The facility was now a large dome-shaped building spanning several miles in diameter. It was comprised of a mysterious, white, translucent composite. The exterior door slid aside to allow Mark, Virginia, and Maggie entrance. They strode down the long, futuristic corridor made of the same resilient material as the outside of the facility. Touch-screen control panels were located sporadically throughout the building. The trio made their way to the control room which was a massive space boasting a variety of sleek work stations with seating and also computer screens built into the walls. APU 4093 was the artificial intelligence that ran this facility and it didn’t share any information with any of the researchers currently stationed on site. Mark had cast a powerful restoration enchantment on the ruins and had succeeded in reinstating the facility in its original condition. It was an astonishing feat that no other wizard had ever managed to accomplish.
“Greetings, White Knight Apprentice.” APU 4093 possessed a pleasant male voice with a trace of an accent reminiscent of Italian.
“Hello, APU 4093,” Mark said as he held the list of questions Virginia had given to him at the restaurant. “I’d like to have a chat with you.”
“I’m afraid I have not changed my mind about disclosing